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Old 21-06-2015, 03:00 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Everyday, through the evi contact wavelength that NASA created to speak into our consciousness via the volume that the evil spirit caused, unknown to many of you, they gained the ability to form opinions, to coerce chemical reactions for feelings and to cause belief in our minds.

The light angelic sound in our atmosphere blocks out the ability for the brain to hear the evil beings. But as I was nearly self combusted it allowed me to be spiritually advised of the condition that is being used to attack us all, as a secret scientific application.

As a Spiritual Psychic Healer, I gained my own spiritual information about 25 years ago, and have had many experiences since. My own life spiritual realization stated by VI SION (6) holy Christ SION, advised me that our Family were being persuaded to believe that they belonged to the alien and UFO ship.

The VI SION advised me that our Families spirit was going the wrong way, and I came to understand that as the Christ spirit had been cut off by the LAM being the applied signals quantified by our brother as an ALGEBRAIC signal, that our Families natural receipt of the Christ spirit had been sacrificed.

I saw a vision watching the Christ spirit enter the UFO ship, knowing that it was returning to out of space and the spirit was being lost. This advice is corroborated by the NASA review of the UFO cells leaving Planet Earth. Hence our conscious awareness has been advising us all about the condition of our natural and spiritual life.

I knew by spiritual information that I had also called my own spiritual circumstance the CHRIST, for I knew that my own oxygenated cellular spiritual interactions in wavelengths were missing as I had DNA mutations. This is why many of us consider ourselves to be the Christ at this moment in time.

Therefore all of us who have gained spiritual attacks, and I have had attacks ever since I was little, caused me to understand what is happening to our life.

The NASA OCCULT evil Scientists have tried to convince me that my own spiritual records depict for them a Higher God body in out of space not yet discovered by them, as an angelic fallen being in out of space as a record that they have not yet been able to gain access to and have continually been trying to incinerate me every day to form an anti signal for their very own use.

I advised them that they are sadly mistaken to not believe that we were created in the manner that I have discussed and I HAVE NEVER EVER BELIEVED that I was an ALIEN or that I CAME FROM OUT OF SPACE and nor did I ever consider HELL to be the Fallen Angelic body.....until they attacked me and caused me to be involved in the old records of past life.

I do know that my sister, who they also studied as my twin conscious activity had a VI SION herself, where she saw that the Fallen Star System ANGELIC BEING had already been destroyed and her body had fallen to Planet Earth.

Losing the protection/healing that has taken millions of years to be gained in the STAR SYSTEM, caused many of us to be attacked by the ALIEN SIGNAL of the LAM that had been re-activated by the NASA Scientists in the GIZA RELAY that involved the ancient attack on life as a state of incineration.

As the relay at GIZA had been dealt with by the Roman Legion, by dismantling the stone at Stonehenge and removal, they also closed up the passages in the Giza Pyramid and took down many of the relayed Pyramids in their discovery of being evilly spiritually attacked by the LAM. themselves due to the data via the spiritual review of JESUS as prophecy/healing etc., therefore a real live human being created a new religious following using and applying the factors to establish the evil attacks via his spiritual presence in our life....our Father himself incarnate.

As I knew in my own Christ VI SION our Father had been murdered by the Scientists, and his spirit was gone. I then knew why I was now involved in a Christ Revelation for the public witness of spiritual wisdom and phenomena.

NASA, pinpointing all of the MARKERS that the Roman Empire left to denote where they had travelled destroying RELAYS believed that they held a relay of GIZA and began to do sound satellite tests, hitting the ground where the PHI markers were.

This is why the re-manifestation of the LAM happened, as the natural effect of oxygen loss is always replaced by the melting of the ICE. As the oxygen was replaced by ice melt as the consideration in the Public as a natural protection of life.....for the attacks to continue and increase only demonstrates that the attacks are being done to us all on purpose.

Nature, the holiness of what we propose are the HOLY VEILS of the HOLY SPIRIT in the atmosphere ARE NO LONGER PROTECTING US from spiritual invaSION.

My own self experience of being used as a personal study model for NASA, has been ignored in the public, as the CIA operatives try to dissuade the public in agreeing with the information that I have discussed as being relative to the actual illegal occult experiment itself.

If the Catholic Church is true to the condition of dealing with evil occultists, why is it that they themselves via the world evidence have not persued the occultists as they have done in the ancient past?

The Christ spirit attack relates to our own personal spiritual life, a condition we described as the FOLLOWERS of the path of Christ. Hence is it any wonder that humanity has demonstrated the same format of being crucified with STIGMATA outcomes in our natural life, along with the phenomena of being spiritually cut and spiritually attacked as SIGNS upon the SKIN?

Why is it that so many ALIEN VICTIMS have described being used as an experiment, as the psychic/spiritual wisdom advice? Why is it also evident that the LAM ALIEN is in fact an EVIL SPIRIT who by signal message of radiation belongs to a METALLIC EVIL SOUND and EVIL SIGNAL EFFECT that cuts the atmospheric spiritual body via transmitted signals.

That the human beings gaining an ALIEN VI SION instead of the CHRIST SION gains imagery of being cut or operated upon, receive metallic implants beneath their cellular body with a weblike tissue?

If the Earth metal, a natural stone body has been burnt and altered via the condition of evil SCIENTIFIC CONVERTING OF STONE, then is it any wonder to any of you occultists that human kind demonstrate that the HOLY BODY OF CHRIST is being wounded, is being cellularly altered, the HOLY BLOODLINE CHANGED, the human cell body bleeding and becoming plagues?

Who lives on Planet Earth today as a holy mind or holy spirit to SAVE US ALL? Seemingly no Holy Brotherhood remains to protect our spirit from evil Occultists because seemingly you no longer believe in the actual spirit presence of the HOLY CHRIST in our atmosphere.

If Scientists are going to try to deny this fact, then why is it evil Scientists that so many Governments funded huge amounts to study phenomena of the spirit and also GOD AND CHRIST as factors in the creative Acts themselves. Who is it that wants an artificial product for a fuel.....NASA does.

Why is it that 2 forms of Scientists involved in the occult at NASA and also the Catholic Churches own research are looking for GOD in the human genome or DNA body?

Do you honestly believe that humanity are going to survive your attacks upon our DNA whilst you do research for a new BIO FUEL, to substantiate the building of your civlizations and your personal greed. The greed belonging to the condition we inherited from our own ancient and immoral brother mind possessed by the BEAST who built civilization through his families overthrow/murder and torture?
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