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Old 20-06-2015, 02:29 PM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by skygazer
your message is an important one, and very educational indeed, but perhaps it could be written in a clearer everyday language.
I feel that it goes over many peoples' head. Most people don't even concern themselves with what took place before the 'monkey' stage.

Humanity has always wanted to know if its spiritual beginnings were real, and have been waiting for an explanation of how a Light Spirit Father created us, instead of the proposed monkey evolution of a human being.

Most of humanity have believed in a Creator and yet when anyone of us has broached the subject of a Spirit Creator we are inundated with data of a supposed superior wisdom that wants to deny spirit. Yet this same mind wants to know and understand spirit. We should ask therefore ask this mind why do you, yourself believe....yet disbelieve for the only purpose of wanting the power of spirit for yourself.

If you believed that a Spirit Creator existed that was greater than yourself, then you would imply to your self that what you seek you will never find and what you want, you will never gain....and your ego denies this circumstance.

Therefore Scientists are currently driven by their ego trying to gain the aspect of wisdom that they refer to as spirit...a God Genetic Code.

Yet when we peruse the same documents as they do, our spiritual advice is very different to their own readings. My own spirit advice quite different to the readings they agreed upon were given by the modern day human male as a Philosopher and self advisor. I know my reviSION has caused them to re think about their own incorrect review of the Biblical relationship and what it is expressing regarding our life.

Hence I have been discussing my own spiritual journey, my self experiences, including those of thousands of others, that have had the experience of a spiritual presence in their life. Just as the ancient documents express, spirit teaching and spirit as a description exists as facts.

The different language gained from the LAM, the alien that our ancient brother introduced to Planet Earth from the Star System UFO attack on our Planet gave him a different mind relationship to that of our origin Father spirit.

Hence males differentiate wisdom as 2 different types of awareness. Our Father's spiritual awareness is not understood by the Scientist, for the Scientist is our brother's awareness.

Hopefully, I have demonstrated to our possessed brother's brain, that he introduced the alien attack as a condition due to his choice to alter by science the natural condition on origin Planet Earth. Originally his angelic being, a huge mass of male manifesting and demanifesting life force as a whole self chose to ignore our spirit Father's advice and changed our spiritual Healing.

This was why his spirit was the spirit on Planet Earth that was left in our healing demanifesting spirit function (as Sai Baba demonstrated), and he himself was attacked by his ancient science application. Our spirits who had already left Planet Earth and had returned to the higher light mass were witness to our brother's own self destruction.

This was why when spirit returned as Nature first, he was the highest spirit of the BEAST. This is why he understands the BEAST and is in fact still by ancient past life record in contact with his ancient self, that causes his brain function to gain different light channels to our Father's male self.

This expression is why he thinks differently to us, and also created his own unholy version of the WORD OF GOD and created algebra.

AL JEHR OR AL-JABR states the reunion of broken parts from "jabara" to reunite, bind together. This meaning demonstrates that he decided to reunite the spirits of the dead in an evil act of converting, and hence used the information of the dead light star systems to attack Earth through the LAM.

The ALIEN LAM is the destruction of his own spirit the CHRIST LAMB, and he has paid a high penalty throughout his existence, and he also makes sure that his own holy family pays the same price through his ignorant and arrogant nature.

He therefore formed a language that only his mind could conclude and began his own secret order going against spiritual law of not communicating with the dead spirit of the STONE.

This is why the ancient brethren had 2 distinct brotherhoods who fought each other over the safety and protection of Life and Spirit on Mother Earth.

Therefore the HOLY WORD OF GOD, a high conscious spiritual awareness by its condition of gain, demonstrates that only THE WORD is correct as a spiritual truth.

JABARA comes from the word to POKE/STAB with a sharp instrument, and instruments belong to the LAM as its spirit presence as the ALIEN has demonstrated in IMAGERY belonging to the HOLY SION in possesSION to attack the human body and the human cell in spirit.

THE CHRIST, therefore our HOLY COMMUNION was given to the LAM ALIEN by our brother, and our own HOLY CHRIST SPIRIT was abducted in the HEAVEN when they opened the STAR GATE TO HELL...the fallen universe from out of light.

They gave our spirit to abduction and our Holy Christ was by evidence stabbed.

Therefore in humanity around the Year 0 a real living STIGMATA AFFLICTED loving brother spirit of our own was born with the affliction of possesSION called the HOLY CHRIST SION, demonstrating and predicting all of the evidences against our UNHOLY BROTHER who had murdered our spirit by conducting stone converSION with the GIZA and STONEHENGE SYSTEM.

This is why the HOLY WAR is a proven spiritual circumstance that our holy world family as a united brotherhood fought to stop any acts of stones conversion as the unholy spirit of the DEAD arose from out of the unholy tombs of the dead.

This is why this circumstance related to the ancient Egyptian evil BOOKS OF THE DEAD and the mummy, as a wrapping of the dead body of spirit, as an evil act. Although the condition is also a normal human applied method for a deceased being, the actual religious function as a mathematical/nuclear advice is very different to the application in the secret brotherhoods reading this information are aware.

The Roman Empire united with English orders of the Holy Grail and the Hebrew and Muslim brotherhoods who all vied for the personal spiritual safety of humanity fought this war for a true spiritual condition. The Holiness of Life on Planet Earth.

My information has been channeled from out of the ancient male past life records that were opened when NASA decided to contact the LAM and the ALIEN transmissions that took possesSION of our own HOLY CHRIST SION that had not yet healed from the ancient abuses of ancient science.

This act by Revelation circumstance was to have ceased and healed in the Year 2012, by the returning Christ Spirit Holy Ox MASS.

The 1000 year Revelations demonstrated that as the black plague was caused by the UFO and alien spiritual attacks on humanity, much worse than the devil presence, when the plague disappeared and began to heal, it re-emerged after the Year 1000 due to new scientific applications for stone conversion of its nuclear/chemical wavelength.

The return of the black plague demonstrated to the ancient secret holy brotherhood that the jabara had indeed caused the circumstance of the LAM to be re-activated. This was the condition that caused the HOLY WAR.
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