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Old 13-06-2015, 02:24 PM
skygazer skygazer is offline
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Originally Posted by Thunder Bow
No. First Nation people would be the have nots. The racial and class issue is within our society as a whole.

I got you.

Why did the white settlers want to "obliterate" Native Cultures? Look at the goals if ISIS, is it not the same with them in their land? This exact thing is still going on today. Nothing has changed.

I don't much follow what the news media claim is going on with ISIS, to my mind, the system is attempting to turn men against fellow men, playing both sides of the fence. The more of us that die at the hand of each other the better this dark system is.

But about FN people, it was all for the purpose of control and the ignorant mind set.
All the different tribes were thriving before anyone got here. North America was their land and they called it Turtle Island.

The Garrison Mentality – A garrison is a fort on top of a hill looking down on the people below. The philosophy is to build the biggest fence you can to keep the heathens away from the fort at the top of hill; to protect themselves.

Any culture has norms and values, these come from our parents, schools, etc.
The British knew this, the first thing they did was attack the norms. They cut the hair of the young children that they took away to the residential schools, changed their dress, forbid their language.

They understood that a cultural group shares norms and values with the next generation. If they are not sharing their values with the children their culture is dead or dying.

This community is the only one that has a card that states they are human, and this card is required to be renewed. Just pure and simple control of a people.

For an Aboriginal to become a lawyer in Canada before 1999, they had to give up their Indian status.
...nature does not know how to lie. It is such a simple observation, that there are no straight lines in Nature.