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Old 10-06-2015, 05:37 AM
durgaa durgaa is offline
Join Date: May 2014
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The NHS isn't underfunded. lf it was, it couldn't afford to pay millions to Agency doctors and nurses. Yesterday in the UK Daily Mail, this was exposed.. Last year the NHS payed out £48,000,000 to just one Agency. Some doctors are earning £150 an hour and £1,800 can charged for one shift. From this it's obvious that the greed of medical staff is what is destroying the NHS..
And this is without health tourism and also the likes of dentists ripping off the NHS for unnecessary treatment..Of course, a tight-fisted tory government doesn't help - their only solution is cut, cut, cut..for instance, if you have cateracts in both eyes, you can only get one eye treated under this government..
Another 5 years of these bloodsuckers will see the demise of the NHS in the UK..

Nursing agency's £43m NHS payday: Mail investigation finds firm billed cash-strapped hospitals as much as £1,800 a shift to plug gap in staffing shortages
A nursing agency last year charged the NHS £43million to supply staff
Thornbury Nursing Services raked in £6.5m from individual hospital trusts
Mail investigation shows huge amount agencies are making from taxpayers

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