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Old 10-06-2015, 05:35 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
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Science and angel hair fallout

Realization is gained as a spiritual and psychic substantiation by being witness and also attacked by evil, whilst previously acting as a loving, kind, caring, healing psychic. Being attacked gave me an ancient realization of Philosophical discussions relating to the Christ and Satan descriptions that I had previously not concerned my life with.

After I gained a huge amount of scientific data on my natural spiritual healing psychic awareness channels, I knew that human life was being attacked by a scientific program. I began to collect the data hoping to prove to other humans what our spiritual and psychic life actually meant as a living healing being on Planet Earth.

I knew from scientific information that an atmospheric fall out was witnessed not only as manifested UFO bodies, but also a loss of some form of matter, called angel hair. This also seemed to relate to a chemical condition in our atmosphere that had also been noticed and argued about.

Ancient information and modern information states that chemical light wavelengths are a part of our natural life condition, therefore I thought it obvious that if a chemical attack was happening and also a manifestation of a falling body called angel hair then 2 circumstances linked this to modern day occult science.

The fact of the fibre being called angel hair and the ancient description of creation involving angels.

After nearly being incinerated myself and gaining spiritual Light assistance and healing from our spiritual Father, who I had never been in contact with, proved to me how and why our ancient psychic and spiritual wisdom related our Father Light Being as our spiritual creator.

He spoke to me and assured me that my life would eventually be healed even though I have suffered an immense amount of psychic attacks involving the burning atmospheric body forming both an angelic being that then turned into evil Satanic looking bodies.

Believe me when I state, that never would I have believed in Satan as a presence until this condition was demonstrated to me.

Our Father explained that the Occult Scientists at NASA had made contact with devil spirits in the space study of star systems via their program to gain a new form of fuel as a future resource and condition to support both their monetary gain and civilization status.

He explained that the Scientists having gained this new matter manifestation by 2 conditions of chemical activation in the atmosphere (some have called chemtrails) and also the manifestation of angel hair, provided what they thought was a gained condition for a new fuel substance.

Instead our Father has explained that the uranium conversion a natural SION state was altered.

Converting uranium releases the healed DUST called holy and uses healed gas of oxygen mass to form a signal to allow for a nuclear fuel to be made using water. Oxygen obviously having water in the atmosphere as a naturally healed condition.

The UFO sound body manifestations related to 2 conditions for forming the converting of SION into the ancient state called SATAN as a HELL activated window. The message from FATIMA confirmed this status, that Scientists by spirit message had indeed created another window of HELL in our atmosphere.

This meant that the cooled radiation signal from the star groups holding the Fallen Light Angelic spirits was also activated into a new crystal burn out.

Crystal as the memory of Earth Atlantis related that the crystal stone body of Planet Earth was converted into a new form of stone and also a new smaller crystal fuSION. The star systems supported the new crystal fusion by having their light fluid as nuclear fuel....a cooled substance of hot gases and dust.

As the new star crystal fuSION is the same fuSION of our natural Earth stone, changing uranium meant that the star stone also converted. This is because the fuel that does not exist naturally on Planet Earth was allowed by changing the radiation signals of the Stars.

This meant that the nuclear fluid body of the stars was removed and caused a new form of particle fusion in our upper atmosphere.

As the filament structure is likened to plastic, gained from nuclear fuel creation as an advice, the same or similar relay was gained from the star systems. So the star systems lost a portion of their own natural fuel and it converted the radioactive streaming message to our own atmospheric condition to form a synthetic material.

This radioactive message converted our own natural cloud mass, which is the reason why UFO cloud formation bodies emerged as an unnatural imagery in our atmosphere. THIS IS CALLED A SIGN relating to the condition of altering EARTH'S STONE SEALS or the unholy tombs of the DEAD.

This is how Scientists gained both a chemical wavelength change and angel hair fallout, that then attacked our natural cellular condition of skin/blood as a normal and natural chemical wavelength in our atmosphere.

Human kind worldwide have demonstrated the effects of altering the natural chemical wavelengths of our atmosphere.

For a while, the phenomena was an influx, causing the occult Scientists to believe in their own evil planned venture relating to a star wheel PHI calculated ancient model of fallen angelic star systems and Earth body creation.

As the star groups heated, and the devil beings formed instead of the angelic beings, Earth's atmospheric sound light imagery also changed. This is the reason why we began to view spiritual images and be attacked by aliens and also devils.

The star group system since this attack which also involved my near incineration has since altered its transmitted signal to Earth's uranium crystal, otherwise huge sink holes as happened in ancient times would be burnt into our stone, as we were losing our own natural small crystal fuSION.

The star group system as many psychics and spiritual humans are aware of actually are party to keeping the Earth stone protected as a system. This information has also been made aware in UFO and alien received transmitted spiritual awareness.

The ancient discusSION of SION as a HOLY CONDITION is a real statement regarding the holy spiritual body we called Christ remaining in the Earth fuSION as the SEAL condition for keeping the unholy TOMBS of the evil spirit of SATAN embedded.

Removal of the Holy Ox, called by the ancients Christ 1000 as oxygen mass means that the crystal fusion heats and burns, and our life upon Planet Earth becomes irradiated. This then causes real living human beings to be involved in spiritual phenomena as magical feats relating to the burning chemical wavelengths that alter the natural spirit and cellular condition of Christ/oxygen.

The SIGN of the CHRIST attack begins with Prophetic world destruction imagery and information along with skin bleeding. THE SIGN of Christ's defeat is the plague condition of stigmata we review as EBOLA...bleeding from the cellular body.

The 0 timed relationship of star astronomical data/readings of the Catholic Church related that 1000 years Christ would fight and defeat the Satanic attack caused by an activation of the unholy SION posseSION signal. 1000 years as Satan, 1000 years of Christ returning as the holy spirit from the Earth tomb (hot gases healing the spirit to cold gases - oxygen returned).

This did not occur as a 2012 prediction of timed wavelength replacement for healing/evolution of our spiritual consciousness and caused plague/illness/cancer/leprosy/stigmata/blood disease inherited conditions, as in 1900's a new SION activation attack was caused.

This is demonstrated in the attack on Russia as a form of atmospheric/nuclear explosion of the healed star group radiation relay. This followed 100 years later (also a calculation attributed to the Christ) with a meteor from the star system release as EVIDENCE.

This SIGN demonstrates that the holy Christ condition of our spiritual life and health/healing is being defeated by a Satanic attack upon our persons via the introduced new HELL window. In the ancient Hebrew Mother Abomination references of calculations called PHI as SEE PHI ROTH (horns of Satan) the HE meaning is window and EL God.

The Catholic brothers called this secret review THE HOLY SEE. Seeing is involved because it belongs to both spiritual seeing/witness of the phenomena/attacks and also the prophecy predictions of future witness.

This is why so many psychics and spiritualists have witnessed the emergence of the evil spirit bodies themselves. Also many psychics have prophecised future natural disaster increase.

The Christ evaluation of spirit attack involves the circumstance that the Christ man spoken about in documents is actually the secret discussion as the alpha wavelengths that involve nuclear bodies remaining cool. The creation of nuclear fuel heats these bodies of wavelengths causing chemical changes, which is why we gain attack as the Christ spirit is defeated in light/sound/wavelength/image as both a spiritual light sound/image/holy bloodline being caused by the SINE SIGNALS change.

The actual origin of SIN as a discusSION is a scientific philosophical discussion of calculations involving the SINE.

The secret Philosophy relates to the O circular condition of counting/prophecizing via the WORD OF GOD via transmitted circular signals involving the ancient transcripts of the Pyramid/Temple system of science. SIN + E caused by EVE (a calculation graph).

The change of the apple SINE image/shape/transmisSION caused by communication with Satan and Mother Earth/Nature as the spirit created by GOD.

V the value numerical given to 5 and 5 in the ancient term is HAND OF GOD.
E a numerical value of the 5th given to epsilon as 250. The meaning of epsilon states "plain and simple", therefore the messages are both plainly and simply witnessed or seen and cannot be denied as factual spiritual evidence.
EVE describes an evaluation to be seen as the evidence of secret science
250 and 250 = 500
D as a half value = 500
The Christ as 2 values = 1000
D avi D, the holy star evaluation signal.

This secret information should give the public an awareness that the biblical documents relate not only to our spiritual life but also to a psychic/spiritual and physical awareness of spirit phenomena itself.

Altering the SINE signals that GOD as the preceding Heaven formed alters the body of the Christ heart (apple shaped SINE signal) as the origin holy signal for natural life. If the heart sign or signal is altered we lose both our healing spirit and our life spirit.

The Ancient Christ story our Father in the Light discussed with me related to a real living human male in the Roman SEE of spiritual wisdom. The name Jesus was a male name that involved the Hebrew inheritance of Mother wisdom as an order.

Jesus as a human male was born with stigmata, caused by the Philosophical Scientific studies that were involved in calculus and stone converSION studies just as modern science has studied. As the ancient Pyramid/Temple relay was still active but not in use, when converSION was applied as a method, it was noticed that a spiritual attack would follow.

This is the very reason why the Roman Empire created the Catholic institution for a worldwide travel to dismantle and break up the ancient relay used for stone's levitation as the Pyramid/Temple scheme. The ancient documents do relate to this journey to stop alchemists from the study of the stone in relationship to the nuclear/sun and using stone levitation for building.

The jailing of Galileo and the Roman Empires attack on Stonehenge as part of this relayed Pyramid message activation attack substantiates this cause. The Roman Empire understood devil possesSION and devil attack and therefore forbade any attempts of contacting the dead spirit of the stone. Destroying the pyramid relay was their attempt at stopping this scientific application.

As the Muslim Philosophers were also regaining ancient memory of the converSION spiritual information this was why it involved the sacredness of life and the holy reverence of Christ. This is due to ancient observation of the land mass around Jerusalem being attacked involving the use and application attack 8000 years previously causing stone melt as witnessed in India.

The condition for holiness related to the "stopping of attack".
Therefore the cow was revered as a Holy being for as in modern day attacks, the cow was attacked by the UFO activated ancient signal also. Stopping of the attack was considered spiritual, and life preserved because of it.

Hence nuclear dust was also called HOLY only because the ancient incineration of Planet Earth was also stopped. In both incidences the CHRIST is evaluated as the HOLY OX....oxygen/water mass that fell onto the face of Earth causing the incineration to halt/stop. This is why so many conditions were considered HOLY.

Therefore Christ as STIGMATA although an unholy condition by review as a chemical/brain/psychic attack and change, when it was stopped as a plague condition of both skin eruptions/leprosy and ebola type symptoms, then it too was considered HOLY.

Jesus as a real living human life, as the receiver of stigmata demonstrates to humanity today that a human gaining stigmata today was/is the same circumstance that Jesus in ancient times gained. The burning/changing of the chemical atmospheric angelic light wavelengths that spiritually attacked humanity.

The phenomena that aligns to stigmata is also world prophecy, as demonstrated in the Jesus documents relating to the "Abomination of Mother Earth", the holy stone. Earth is considered to be both our Mother and the Mother of our Nature. Therefore if you alter the stone condition fuSION, then the Nature of our life also changes.

The phenomena that aligns to Jesus as stigmata demonstrates that a human being formed a new order in ancient times that related to ancient Healers and spiritual awareness who knew and notified the government of Rome about the conditions caused by alchemic converting applications as STIGMATA.

The Jesus Prophecies came true as prophecized as the natural disasters that would follow the transmitted pyramid relay attack on stone and fuSION releasing the evil spirit....eruptions/earthquakes/tornadoes. Rome witnessed these future predictions as a PHI calculation, which is the reason Rome did not alter their own ancient spiritual teachings until after the prophecies of Christ were WITNESSED.

The true story of Jesus is not actually the religious story taught to us, for the actual condition of this story begins at the beginning of how our Holy Heavenly atmosphere as a spirit body was replaced in space through the condition of holiness of the returning spirit 1000 years as Christ against Satan. This was after SATAN LIT as the ATLANTIS attack upon Earth's crystal ancient fuSION.

It is about time that our true spiritual wisdom be seen for its purpose...the saving of humanity against the greed and occultism that previously attacked and destroyed our life in ancient times by believing and applying converSION.

All evidences support this story, as archaeology demonstrates that in coal beds and inside of fused stone, human remains and artifacts have been found.

The story of the Christ and the teachings of the Christ are 2 very different circumstances.

We were all taught that each of us is the Christ and that we follow the pathways of the Christ. Stigmata as a holy sign provides this evidence that each of us is the same spirit and have the same holiness as all others on Earth.

The Christ by true spiritual description was the Holy Ox 1000 and oxygen our life spirit, the spirit that returns to the atmosphere from out of the spirit gases of our Mother's body....the Earth from the tombs of the dead is the real spiritual story.

I hope that you will give my spiritual insight consideration.
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