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Old 08-06-2015, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by CrystalSong
How interesting! It segways with what I've been gathering about energy lines also and have developed a theory about.
Ley and Key lines, Nodes and Vortex's and Sacred spots are all places where energy is magnified or collects and flows stronger right?

Jumping to the effects of the Full Moon which is another type of energy which is amplified. We know well now that society doesn't always do well with Full Moon energies, Police staff extra personal for it, so do Hospitals and Emergency Centers and schools know some kids will act up or go emotional, and the same with prisons and retirement homes. Humans do weird things with that extra energy, sometimes beautiful profound spiritual things and sometimes stupid things or acts of desperation - depending on the reaction and state of mind of the person feeling the energy.

It's like the energy just amplifies whatever the resonant energetic of the person is.

As a result and after experiencing various power spots/let/key lines for myself in a variety of mental/emotional places I've come to the personal theory that it's not what the energy does to us from these energy dense places but where we are psychologically/emotionally when we encounter it or live in a dense field area. Meaning it's not the ley line itself but our reaction to it that determines any effect we experience.

Blue Bell Hill/Kits Coty is an interesting place on this point, the nearby roads are prone to accidents including unfortunately a great deal of fatal ones. Are the drivers involved in these accidents prone to being affected by passing through energy lines. Kits Coty has its own Vortex.
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