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Old 03-06-2015, 11:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Dark side to a ley line!

A few years ago I was invited to Kits Coty in Kent by a couple of friends who are mediums. Very interesting site and the visit gave me an interest in dowsing. Kits Coty is a fascinating place it was the site of a Neolithic chambered long barrow now long since destroyed but it had a stone entrance (same stone type as the outer circle of Stonehenge), these stones are known as Dolmens or Megalithic. It is a site that is believed to be an ancient battlefield with the bones of hundreds of warriors buried there. Kits Coty itself is a crossing point for ley lines.

Kits Coty is located at Blue Bell Hill, a place notorious for its road ghosts, a young women was seen to throw herself in front of cars, an old hag holding sticks in her hands as also been seen and also two young girls who mysteriously varnish have also been seen in the area. The area is know for its road accidents both on the dual carriageway where the young woman is seen and the nearby motorway (M2). The area has been quiet for a few years since the farmer stopped ploughing the area around Kits Coty.

I was careful when buying my rods, I brought them from Cornwall where they had been energised within the Hurlers Stone Circle, which just happens to be a crossing point of the Michael and Mary Lines!

I was born literally within a stones throw of the Michael Line and grew up in a village that had the Mary Line running through it, as I still lived nearby I thought what better way to learn how to dowse with rods then by dowsing both lines.

First off ley lines when dowsing are never straight, The Michael and Mary lines are known as the serpents because they twist and turn and occasionally cross each other normally at a site of significance, you can however use a ruler on a map and see that these sites are all in a straight line on a map!

I stuck to dowsing the lines in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire in England. I brought a dowsing map to check that I was actually on the right track. The thing with ley lines, is they are energy lines powered by the earths magnetic core and influenced by the sun and moon. The biggest surprise is they can move slightly and also the width varies, when I dowsed the Michael line coming off Deacon Hill (known locally as Pegsdon Hill) it was about a foot wide, it crossed a road where the map said it should stay south (although heading in the same direction) at the end of this field I found it again and found its width to be over a 100 feet!

I checked to see if any other lines intersected with the Michael Line and I found one which run in a north south direction towards the Mary Line which is some 5-6 miles south at this point. I dowsed this line to St Mary's Church at a small village called King's Walden where it crossed the Mary Line right through the Church tower!

Mapping this new line out I made a discovery, the line goes through a village called Great Offley (named after a Saxon King of Mercia) the line appears to go through a big country house (some parts date back to Tudor times). The story goes that hundreds of years ago (possibly 17th Century) the owners daughter committed suicide, as the house is a hotel the room has a reputation for being haunted.

Almost across the road is another large house (by today's standards) but not as large as the mansion across the road! Sometime within living memory the previous owners son committed suicide in his bedroom, the owner bricked up the bedroom window, back down the road opposite the village church is a newer house built in the 1970's. Here again another young person committed suicide.

It is not just suicides though I have found road accidents occurring near to where this line crosses them and also in 1944 a Lancaster bomber (LM616) crashed into a farmhouse killing the crew and three women in the farmhouse. LM616 was shot up over Normandy with no navigation aids and finding itself lost in fog.

The plane crashed through trees at Birkitt Hill before impacting on the crashing and sliding into the farm where there was a massive explosion and fire

This line I have dowsed goes right through impact site. The line then heads off down the hill in a westerly direction to another large house which was formerly a Victorian vicarage, however in recent week there was an accident at the bottom of hill where a horse rider was thrown and then crushed by her horse, she survived but needed the air ambulance to get to hospital.

After leaving the large Victorian house the line heads north taking in a an old bell shaped well before it goes across fields to a large Jacobean mansion at Little Offley, which is where the horse rider I just mentioned lives!

From here it is just a couple of fields away from Deacon Hill at Pegsdon.

One thing I did notice is that the line appears to head north west off Deacon Hill and through the site of another Second World War Lancaster bomber crash site (same squadron as well!).

All of this could be coincidence but its my knowledge of Kits Coty which is making me think otherwise.
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