Thread: Kabbalah
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Old 24-05-2015, 12:21 AM
NowIam NowIam is offline
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OK...many of you now gonna dislike what i have to say especially about the kablablah from bnei baruch what yonex has the link posted from. Kabbalah is not science and has nothing to do with philosophy and orden of golden dawn refer to alister crowley mystic etc.

Those which thinking that children birthday unity games are kabbalah fine welcome to the hipster cult of bnei baruh. Waste all your life there contributing everything you have to the evil doctorine of the self named "rav michael laitman" and their other sub groups like beyahad etc. Get your brain washed every day, every minute with always the same repeating stuff in the hope you will cross the mythical border mahsom which doesn't even does exist. get crazy of it and in the worst case do suicide, sorry for being that harsh but i want to awake or warn you not to do a big mistake. Many peoples of their groups has comitted suicide and they are lying about that and justifying it with the ego. And don't forget always to read shamati one of the mythical writings of rabash which isn't even proven that he wrote these. Bnei baruch is also used to , change the original kabbalah writings for their own control use. Kabbalah has nothing to do with a mass control and politics do you hear the bell ring?

Also one thing, bnei baruh has their volunteers spread all over the world, it is a top organized network which works almost 24/7 a day which includes also to make their links pop up in the google search engine at the first line...
If you are a Bnei baruh member and go doom me now with a lawyer i'm not afraid to tell the truth about you, you cant make me silenced.

Bnei baruh separate itself absolutley from judaism and without judaism kabbalah cant be understand. In my opinion one must have lived a jewish life to understand the deep root of the torah, kabbalah is nothing else then the deeper understanding of it. It's like saying to G-d i only want to receive the half of your gifts you have to offer to me, how would you feel in His place? You cant separate these nor find magic in it, all you will get is a deeper understanding of the relationship with G-d and his unconditional love for His creation. If you use kabbalah in the wrong way it will make you obsessed and crazy like alister crowley. I have seen allot obsessed peoples with a absurd idea what kabbalah is, these peoples are lost until they will awake hopefully.

A very interesting point is also that you can see if it is a true kabbalah teacher is that he never will name himself as such nor spread his wisdom all over the place. Judaism does not convert peoples like the christians as example does. They don't do any missionary for their believe.

Btw Yehuda berg is also a cult.

Yes a real kabbalist lives a jewish life and does hold kosher rules this includes shabbat and every other jewish religious rule otherwise for what you are studying it?
If you are not ready to shomer shabbat, don't even try to study kabbalah because shabbat is the most important day not only for religious also for the kabbalist. Shabbat is one of the most holy mizvah, and mizvot thats what is always talked about in zohar and talmud.
In israel you wont find in any jewish store non cosher food unless you go to the russian stores.

All of this i say and i'm not even jewish, i was once stupid and believed to have found the "truth" and was trapped in the bnei baruh kult baruh ha'shem i have found the truth and i'm free, you don't have to sell your soul in order to gain a soul. Think about it...

Shalom aleihem :)
True wealth is the measurement of the moments we truly lived.

Last edited by NowIam : 24-05-2015 at 01:26 AM.