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Old 22-05-2015, 03:28 AM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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So do I have a herd or something, the pegasus mare did mention it? <we'd rather leave that as a peasant surprise for when you get back.>

so am I famous or known back home? <all we'll say is you are known, and your reputation is positive, any more we'd prefer to leave as a pleasant surprise when you get home.>

I take it that I'm comfortable as a herm, but I seem male inclined. Is this due to my being incarnated in a male body and or due to my twin seeming to prefer being female? <indeed, it is in part due to both reasons. and for those with a twin flame it is not usual that as mirrors one will prefer male and the other female, for the slight inclination. though there are some twins who at the soul level both prefer the same gender.

I'll ask what is in the audio about it being better and more important to grow through joy rather then through pain and struggle ( a slight deviation from the audio questions) is it due to we can make a choice, like I have made the choice and intent known that i wish to grow through joy, fun, pleasure, the easy path and it's more the human conditioning of cultures and such that many choose otherwise, thinking they have no choice? <indeed in many cases. choosing the path of growing through joy, fun, and easiness is the proffered path, but each can choose for themselves and some do prefer to struggle, even at the soul level, for personal reasons, but no one has to.>

Who are you folks? <a combination, we are your soul aspect, some guides that are of your soul group, a reflection of what you may refer to your divine self. Your soul, due to your current development level and awareness can be considered a sort of higher self, though that label is not correct fully. saying it's your soul is also not quite the right level since, as you now know and feel, it is really the portion of yourself that you know that is not incarnated while you are. Your twin flame being a special case as twin flames are.>

another slight edit from the questions. <indeed, over time humans will grow more aware and more awakened. A gradual thing is needed since if their veils were removed right now their psyche's may be damaged, temporary true, but unpleasant if they suddenly knew the truth. Besides their energy systems are not ready for that. >

I guess folks can better align with the divine plan and the reason for their lives by choosing that which excites them or excites them the most? (slight edit to a question in the audio course) <indeed. if they develop this skill and do it out of habit then they would always be doing this, but it is the choice of each>

how can people know this is a friendly and abundant universe < trust in yourself, do not live in fear. Take back the power you give to others. Rule yourself. these are important first steps one can take and for many these will take a while for them to get use to>

What ARE Some ways folks can contact their souls and higher selves (exact question) <listening to if there is a sort of voice or feeling within that can guide you if you need a decision made and are not sure but get a feeling or hear a sort of thought that indicates which choice one should make, a slight hint. for many this can be a good first step and maybe that is all the want or need for this life.>

how to recognize how the thoughts and emotions of others have effected them and what they can do about it <if there is a feeling or thought that seems to be contrary to the way you usually think or feel. For some neighbors or those near you may have an effect also. question yourself, is this thought or feeling of my origin or from that of another>

Is the earth a conscious being, sending out messages, what does it want? <it is indeed a conscious being, in the same ways that sentients are, though as a being, as a planet it is somewhat similar and at the same time different then a human. the earth does want to go through this shift and is looking forward to this shift as it shifts up to a higher density, later dimension. in a very similar way to how human souls, and souls in general do grow over time. messages, the earth would prefer if humans would not misuse it as much. though being a long lived it can see that humans can't change overnight but it will take time. a century or a thousand years are not the same as to a human, for the earth. >

how to help the animal kingdom <much the same as the earth, taking the long term approach and the gradual uplifting, expanding, evolving, growing of the majority of humans. Not all will choose to evolve with the earth and evolve upwards and grow, upwards is to use a phrase since there is no real direction. Those who do not will have places they can go to to continue their own paths.>

Higher community of beings, how are they helping humanity? <in often subtle ways, gradually teaching or showing those humans most open to hearing, even if it is in a dream that they do not remember or only partially remember. As guides and such as well. Guides can take many forms and come from many places, the higher or upper realms, planes, dimensions or whatever terms you prefer, the natural world, and other places. Some may be surprised and the origin doesn't really matter, just the wisdom and love and approach of the guide and message.>

World peace? <also a gradual thing that must be done gradually and not quickly. this along with many things must be done gradually and not fast. humans often thing things have to be done fast and now, as many cultures say, and they do have a short lifespan, but one must take the longer view of things to see the true and better more easy approach and the most effective. Though many non humans are also the types who prefer to do things quick and sudden, since humans are not the only ones who need to learn and grow.>

the reason to learn to channel? <To gain conscious contact with guides, one's higher self, soul and other channels of wisdom that one may not have access to. The wisdom and experience can take one in many and surprising directions. Channeling your higher self may be, for many, the easiest thing to learn and do. Though putting aside doubts and the I'm making this all up feeling may be the harder things to do, especially at the beginning.>

This went well and after bit I didn't feel the pressure at the top of my head like at the start. I would assume this is cause I got use to their energy, and or they adjusted a bit. The pressure is very faint, just enough to feel if I think about feeling for it.

I do feel like I don't really need to continue doing this or the receiving clear guidance a 2nd time, but it may help to continue. So I'll do it. Just on certain days when I have time and or want to. Other days I may try doing a short channel.
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