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Old 18-05-2015, 11:57 PM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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I'll color my text green since I do a little talking but it was mainly him or them talking to me in this.

How about that group? <avoid negative people. As was said to you when/while you were laying down, delaing with negative people is not one of your missions, that is antoher type of mission that some are on. Avoid people that make you feel that way. And continue to shift your emotions towards positive reflections like you've done.>

<You know the primary mission you are there for, and as hence don't need to do anything to accomplish it. Some, or many, will not understand the mission since it is focused on the long term, larger picture type of mission instead of the short term small area type of mission. Those are for younger sorts of souls and those that are of that type. Yours is the mission as said before. you've accomplished your personal mission, the main one you don't need to do anything to accomplish it. The scale has been tipped thanks to you and others an the identical and very similar mission. >

<You will have one of several homes upon returning here and will likely travel between them and go around in a non linear fashion and be non physical and stay in non physicality realms much or part of the time. Those options and such you'll be introduced to, remember, and will decide and talk about and experience once you're here. Though the odds of you incarnating in any physicality type areas is very slim practically zero in fact. You've, moved on, so to speak. Though some of that has been been mentioend before, in regards to the pod. manefisting there, and other options mentioned in a previous channel.

And as you have felt/known, earth is been deflected towards more positive futures then it was originally heading towards. Though you'll not incarnate for those, perhaps be a guide or channeled being, but that is one of an infinity of possibilities you can think about, explore and try out once you're incarnation finishes. You've done very well so far and will continue to do so. 3 of the homes you'll have, and souls having more then 1 home is not unusual, and having 1 home as a soul is quite unusual. You know 3 of them. the non physicality true soul home is one of them, though many souls, at most, only visit such areas, preferring physicality. And this does not mean one has to incarnate. One can, do like your twin flame, and hang out where the pod is. That is one such area that any being non negative can just manifest into. She's not the only one who hangs out there, others do. A possible 3rd is where Maribelle's family has their home, or nearby if you and her decide to have your own home nearby. You may decide on others later when you're here.

Those in the group have their missions and many will not understand your type of mission nor a being such as yourself, but that is ok. You know you are not alone and that is the main key thing.
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