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Old 18-05-2015, 03:16 AM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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at the very start of this I saw a bright white sorta light. I think and feel what they, and I do ask who they are in a bit after it starts. it felt like 80-90% of their energy was mingled with the top half of my head with maybe 10% with the rest of my body, or energy systems. I did cut out a few things since I try to keep what I post here as strictly g rated since I've no idea what age may read this.

and the 2 other light body courses left in the awaken the light body course. <you'll see a lot of benefits from those and more of your light body awakened. the more expensive courses you need not take. Focus on those that interest you the most and put the more expensive ones aside, at least for now. When you get to those you may find they don't really interest you at all or you have no interest. for now go with your inner guide feeling as you have so far.>

and how about projecting? <no need to bother about that now. Some that you need to contact can contact you where you are or can be with you in a multi dimensional manner. You can relax, like with a guided meditation and go within to be with some. This will be enough for now. no need to get to detailed with it. Projecting will come natural again, as you progress through certain light body courses and you've been doing some of that, experiencing yourself in a multi dimensional way as the multi dimensional being that you are.>

So which are you? <think of us as blending temporarily with your soul and future possible self with another of what you may refer to as your soul family/oversoul/monad divine self. another multi dimensional aspect of yourself, your divine self>

I thought the energy felt different, more intense. <indeed, you've reached higher then before. to more of your divine self as it's called in some of the courses you're taking. But think of us as parts of your soul family/group/oversoul and guides, somewhat blended together, temporarily for this channeling. more efficient this way. You can uncover more of your true self this way as an after effect of having channeled our energy into your energy systems. you're at a level to easily be able to handle this level of energy. Though do rest.>

SO when I feel like I'm mostly here but partly there in some of the guided meditations is like 10% of me at most there? <somewhat. You'll improve over time, but part of the thing is your in a place of great density so it is not as easy to project, also you've not fished the awaken the light body course as of yet, though you are close. Practice may help also. Though for now just go into your mind and be there if you wish to be with one of those you wish to be with. This will be excellent practice and experience as well>

So how high am i really apart from here? <quite high, you're just recovering the ground where you were at previous. Though being re-created you can say you have been around before due to your memories and other things. you'll find original soul's memories easier to reach for now since you have been, while incarnated as you are, part of him for the longest time. A bit of a paradox but that is how it works in regards to you. Think of yourself as a master and don't sell yourself short. Since in a sense one can say everyone is the same level, just some have other focuses and such. Labels are a very human thing, though they are not the only species who has a love to categorize and label things, nor will they be the last.>

Thanks and buy for now. <continue doing well.>

So this is my last incarnation? <in such a dense place indeed. Though after this is over you'll have a choice if you wish to live where the pod is, since that can be experienced as a type of incarnation, though one of a sort of non physicality since some do travel to and from and you could visit Maribelle and be with others, going around as you wish, or you can just manifest there when you wish to be there. Each has some advantages and disadvantages. the just manifesting is a bit more complex some would say, and may not experience full physicality and you can pop around as you wish, having it as a sort of incarnation one would be there day to day in a more linear type existence. Though you can sorta do both having a body and say put the body into a deep trance and leave say 1% of yourself in the body, or a bit more, and project out and pop around at will. These options will be explained to you at the appropriate time with the advantages and disadvantages and you may, perhaps, wish to have our help in experiencing each for a bit to get the feel to decide which you wish more. many options are open to you once you're here.> I understand and am not concerned, but am intrigued. gives me some-stuff to look forward to. <indeed as well as the celebration when you return to your homes, ....>
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