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Old 18-05-2015, 02:22 AM
AstralButterfly AstralButterfly is offline
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I'm just now reading this from my email and I think your interpretation resonates the most with me Mike. I am very emotional especially lately so I don't doubt that it could be an emotion. I battle with myself with whether I should cut the guy from my life completely i.e. deleting him off my Facebook lol. I still feel drawn to him even though we don't speak. Maybe i'm drawn to him because we were intimate with each other, that bothers me a lot knowing that i liked him and he just shut me out one day. For a little while it was a back and forth thing where I would get mad and ignore his calls then we would start talking again and then i guess he would take his turn in ignoring me.I'm not sure how to face the energy and integrate in my life. I'm not even sure I know what the energy is. I just know I'm sad a lot, I miss him, but at the same time I'm trying to not contact him because I know he is bad for me, based on his actions i know he is bad.

Originally Posted by mike1127
I will offer an interpretation that differs a little from these previous ones except in the general idea of control.

There is something in your psyche, some emotion, thought, memory, etc. which threatens to "possess" you. That is, to live unwanted inside you and to control you to a greater or lesser extent. It seems to be a more generalized "possessive energy" as the dream chooses several ways of representing possession and coming after you, rather than a very single or specific part of your psyche. Perhaps it is an emotion.

Your defense is to run from it, but when that doesn't work, to imprison it in a necklace. This makes me think of a psychological defense mechanism of encapsulating, cutting off, freezing, etc. It means you don't have to deal directly with the movement and energy of this guy. However, the danger is not past. You need to keep the necklace safe, and you choose to keep it close to your body. Perhaps even after your attempt to protect yourself from this energy, you carry a subliminal awareness of it with you throughout the day.

The necklace may suggest you have a great deal of inner power to be able to imprison the possessing energy, but in the end it might serve you better if you could face the energy and integrate it into your life.
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