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Old 14-05-2015, 05:26 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
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Originally Posted by ajay00
Yes, and to understand God/Pure consciousness/Love, experiential understanding by transcendence of the mind/intellect is necessary, through which the non-dual or unitary perception becomes possible in meditation.

The mind/intellect does not necessarily point to the truth, especially when the truth is subtler than what even the subtlest thought can comprehend.

God or pure consciousness is addressed as Brahman or Self in Hinduism.

The following teachings of Swami Sivananda and the ancient scripture Katha Upanishad can clarify further what I meant by experiential understanding.

Brahman is not an object of perception. Knowledge of Brahman is intuitive self-awareness. Of everything which may become an object of knowledge, a perfect or definite knowledge is possible; but not so of a thing which cannot become such an object. This is Brahman for he is the knower and the knower may well know other things, but not make himself the object of his knowledge. The subject of knowledge 'I who know' can never become its object; for having become object, it ceases to have the nature of subject, in the same way as fire can burn other things, but not itself. Nor it be said that Brahman may be made the object of the knowledge of another; for beside him, none that knows exists.
-- Swami Sivananda

The truth of the Self cannot come through one who has not realized that he is the Self. The intellect cannot reveal the Self, beyond its duality of subject and object. They who see themselves in all and all in them help others through spiritual osmosis to realize the Self themselves. This awakening you have known comes not through logic and scholarship, but from close association with a realized teacher.
-- Katha Upanishad

(Yes, and to understand God/Pure consciousness/Love, experiential understanding by transcendence of the mind/intellect is necessary, through which the non-dual or unitary perception becomes possible in meditation. )

If you were being illegally experimented upon your spiritual psyche would you agree to being an experiment?

Do you honestly believe that the human being spiritual psyche is your scientific answer?

Scientists by statements on the internet are demonstrating to us all that they infer that they are going to know the spirit....the spirit Creator we all term is God.

Do you have any understanding of what it is to be a loving, kind, caring human being, sharing their spirit love in healing to then be attacked and used as a research tool by an evil NASA occultist Scientist?

I do, because I am their victim and have been trying to prove by circumstance why myself and other psychic consciousness has been attacked by an illegal satellite computer relayed feedback program established by the gained data of
1. Russian psychic phenomena studies.
2. Espionage techniques between Russian agents and the CIA in mind contact/mind control studies.
3. All forms of spiritual and psychic channels in the brain and also in the atmospheric channels.
4. Clairvoyant Mediums who contact and hear past life spirit information
5. Clairvoyant Mediums/psychic who gained precise information from other's bodies/minds/spirits.
6. Mental health as a condition that also hears voices likened to devil/demonic circumstances as studied by the Catholic institution as phenomena.

NASA used all of this brain data patterned wavelengths and formed a mind contact and feedback program.

The evidence in the human psyche when attacked by an alien form of spirit invasion and also physical cellular disturbances/alterations demonstrates via the information discussed by the victims in their brains demonstrates psychic evidence as an involvement with an artificial scientific program studying the cellular interchanges which poses questions and gains data from the interaction.

Our own human conscious awareness by definition named and described its own spiritual conscious descriptions as language and meaning of language.

Our own consciousness described alien as artificial intelligence and the only artificial intelligence is COMPUTER RELAYED PROGRAMS.
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