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Old 11-05-2015, 11:24 PM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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Decided to try a short channel session since I have been feeling better the past few days. I decided to see if I can reach what appears to be my current guide, a possible future self projection.

So what is home like? <Depends on which one you mean. The Primary home is one of a non physical nature, some would say. And as you have been remembering and accessing your soul knowledge, you do wish to have more then 1 and I do have more then 1. The primary one as we call it, we being you and me is of a non physical nature in a place some would call the true home of a soul or the soul realms as I remember I use to call the place. It is of a limitlessness nature and really everywhere is of the soul realms, it's just a question of the focus the majority in the area prefer and in some places the place can react to each person individually. Some places this is less apparent then other places. But as to the primary home here most choose what you could call the default appearance, which is like a ball of light or a small sun. it is a place you've been to and will love to return to once you do. Some of the pod do travel to this place and back to where the pod usually hangs out/lives. The place they often go to is of a more physical nature but a place far less dense then the earth is at it's present level of development existence. You've been to some spots there. One can choose one's appearance and manifest what you want instantly. One can manifest there since it is one of the many places where the reason it was created, set up as well as the current inhabitants do not mind and allow one to pop in and out as one wishes. Some, many, come here for special healing treatments. The crystals of this place do help to amplify certain types of healing that some have refereed to as a sonic type of healing. the description is at once true, but an oversimplification of what is actually happening when a treatment is given. there are other beings who live nearby the area, and not to far off. And others who do enjoy coming to visit.

There is also other places I visit and stay for varying lengths of time. some places unicorns and other beings recognized on earth do live. Other places have beings some on earth have not dreampt of or have only heard of through various means.


So what is it like when you get channeled? <basically I do relax, and send a part of myself out to lower my, what you would call making myself a bit more dense, lower vibrations, and aligning my energy so I am more in harmony and comparable with the one I have practiced before they incarnated and have a previous agreement to channel. With myself, past or present, it is far easier. since the energy is already in perfect alignment. Though since I'm not our twin there is no intensity or other effects if she were channeled. As great as those effects and experiences may be. Telepathically channeling is far easier on both parties, the more the channeled being is brought into the body, the more difficult it could be one could say, on both and the more preparation needed. it is at the same time complicated and easy. one of this things that describing it makes it sound very complicated, but once you do it it feels easier then complicated, especially once you get the hang of it.>

I had to pause a few times during this to let my forearms rest from all the typing. I think it went well for a short channeling session.
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