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Old 09-05-2015, 05:19 AM
Posts: n/a

It seems to me, if we feel less than wonderful (peaceful, happy, loved ect) Its because we believe we LACK something we need in order to feel good, we are believing something untrue. Examples:

I need more Money in order to feel good (untrue)
I need to be thinner in order to feel good (untrue)
I need so-and-so to like me to feel good (untrue)

It seems (to me) if we feel less than wonderful, happy, loved, ect. Its because we believe we lack something we need in order to feel good, we are believing something that will prevent from having the things we want, both material things and experiences.

In fact, it seems to me, if we feel we are SUPPOSED to, or NEED to feel less than wonderful, happy, loved, ect, for ANY reason, we are believing something untrue and something that will prevent us from having the things we want.

Btw, this doesnt mean some feelings are good and some are bad. All feelings are good, because they convey to us what were believing (which we CAN change, if we want to) And so, they all let us know how much were aligned to having the life and all the things we want...or not.

Heres something else you might want to consider: how you feel affects you metabolism. Want proof? Have you ever felt tired, bored or in a slump, but then someone tells you something that gets you excited? All of a sudden, what happens? Your energy picks up. You FEEL better and you have more energy. Isnt that good to know? Try it the next time your in a not-so good mood. Think of something-ANYTHING-that gets you excited, curious or interested-And notice how it affects your energy.

Something else to think about: When you feel good you INSTANTLY become more attractive. Dont believe me? Then try this little experiment. Ive done it numerous times. Tell someone theyre beautiful and watch what it does for their appearance. Or just get them focused or talking about something that makes them feel happy, delighted or excited, and watch how they physically just 'morph' into being more attractive.

You can do this to yourself, all you have to do is IMAGINE your attractive, and IMAGINE how it FEELS to be attractive. Or just get involved in something that makes you feel good.

Something else to think about: How you FEEL affects your abilities. How you FEEL also affects how resilient you are. How you FEEL also affects what ideas you get and what ideas you can act on. Again, a lot of this is due to that fact that your FEELINGS are a result or reflection of your BELIEFS. And although beliefs are often something that take a lot of repetition to create, sometimes just a mere change of focus can take you from a poor belief/feeling into a good, empowering, energizing and uplifting one. Surely youve experienced this more than once? A key to making the life you want is to take this kind of awareness and put it to use CONSCIOUSLY and DELIBERATELY.

Just some thoughts on the power inherent in FEELINGS, and how you can determine them, to create more of the life you really want.

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