Thread: Arcturians
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Old 22-01-2011, 06:35 PM
andrew g andrew g is offline
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Originally Posted by Lazarus72
Interesting yes, there seems to be quite a bit of synchronicity going on round here lately.

I was initially drawn to this thread due to a comment I made on another thread about missing insects, where I half-jokingly commented that all the bees were being taken away by aliens in arcs.

That thought was inspired by the film 'knowing' which I recently enjoyed. The film had some synchronous themes running through it funnily enough.

My wife LOVED that movie. Its not the sort of thing I can sit through but she coerced me into watching the last 15 minutes which I liked a lot.

I didnt see the bees thread but I think I heard about it a couple of years back and wondered about it. There may be something in your half-joke. Or they might have shifted to another dimension. My understanding about the New Earth is that its not actually this earth, so sudden disappearances could happen. I am happy to leave but not before Ive seen how this season's American Idol pan outs :)
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