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Old 14-04-2015, 05:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by jinivha
This sort of takes it off topic but i am currently 4 days meat free. (Although one day i had a soup and had absolutely no idea it contained chicken broth lol) i usually don't get offended because i do not share the strong feelings veg's do about this lifestyle but i was talking to a friend about my mistake and her boyfriend said vegetarians need to lighten the hell up. And then tried to make it seem like the process of making the broth was harmless and i was like it's not like the chicken went for a swim and we drank that water! Uuuggghhhh defensive omnivores (usually call themselves carnivores) are just as bad as in-your-face veg's. What is your response to "we were made to eat meat. We are omnivores"

Congrats on going meat free!! I've heard the beginning can be really difficult!! It can take a while and some careful deciphering to be sure you are not getting meat; even then, many times I'll grill a waiter or waitress, be assured there is no meat in something, usually soup, take one bite, and I can tell instantly there is a meat broth (it is so foreign to me). I'll call them over to let them know and they simply shrug, showing me it's no big deal to them. My son tells me I should say I'm allergic to meat, they will pay attention then, but I want to get my point across while bringing attention to the plight of vegetarians, and I feel that defeats the purpose lol.

As for the "we were made to eat meat" argument, I just go with the host of diseases and artery clogging related ailments eating meat brings on, which proves, without any doubt, we were NOT intended to eat meat. We are "supposed" to be superior, and can discern the advantages of a healthier diet, if we choose not to follow it, and eat meat, like the other omnivores out there, aren't we just lowering ourselves to their level? (I have no problem with being on the same level, but I'll bet those meat eaters do lol)
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