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Old 10-04-2015, 02:27 AM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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Decided since the next audio is just talking that I would try to channel today using one of the short audios I've used before to try to channel a bit. But with the fact I often get headaches on Thursdays, maybe since I don't drink water once I leave home till I get home, I'll try my soul instead of my arcturian guide.


I do hope my arcturian guide, levensure or whatever his name is understands the reason for this <yes quite so and agrees with the reason. Regularly though you do want to channel him, everyday is not needed. partially a message from him and me. I'm sure you felt the energy shift a bit since we did that. and good to learn to channel me as well instead of just him. But a good idea you are to pick 1 of us first to focus mainly on, and the other when you co some of the audios a 2nd time once you finish. Though be sure to try to channel him daily, say 4-5 times a week for even just 5-10 minutes. Not to long since his energy is fairly ???? hard to translate it into English. Not same problem with my energy since we are 1 already, though 3 separate beings, or 3 separate identities. it gets pretty complicated to explain in English. Easier to understand it by experiencing it, with the human layers not in the way.>

So what is the experiences we've been doing the few times where I did seem to loose if i was the part of the being who was incarnated or not? <basically as you asked, helping you to realize that you are a soul, your soul awareness. You did feel that, experience that, even though it was for only short period of time, a instant at first and a second or so the last few times. We are 3 beings with 1 souls, you me and twin flame. Though you are, at present, less aware of this, and you did ask my help.>

So will I be fully consciously aware of being the soul in a human body, as aware as say you are? <That may indeed occur, keep on the route you are on and you will indeed. The chances are high that you'll fully awaken to the soul within yourself. You are learning, through that experience and the audio courses you are taking, and some of your inner knowing. >

So what exactly is our relationship? <Soul and incarnate, with the twin flame a part of us also but separate at present. Though the 3 of us won't be forever separate. We'll go between being 2 or 1 being, being at times 3 also. Though you like being yourself, and will love being yourself as a soul, the desire to merge will awaken from time to time, though also after being merged we will start to mess experiencing the other as an external being. That is normal for some beings you call souls. Others prefer to merge permanently, others prefer to go separate. Those are all ok.>

So I"ll be a full soul already, a part of you but also a full soul at the same time? <more like we are a part of each other and twin flame is a part of both of us.>

So what are the soul planes, or realms or whatever they are called like? <you'll enjoy them once you come to live here and it'll be sooner then you may suspect. No waiting for 20 incarnations for you, but that is a pleasant future you'll see if you keep on the track you are on at present. No need to eat, though many do choose to eat to ingest or bring light into themselves. There are many avenues and methods to bring light into yourself, many you can imagine and some are beyond human imagination. You'll quickly grow use to things here, with an adjustment period needed, some adjust faster then others. Also many souls here do travel to and from here to other places. Some may call these lower densitites then then what some call the soul plane. More accurately to call them a change of focus. say from channel 47 to channel 23. Though channel 23 may have certain characteristics. and you can just make a body that fits in with channel 23. Things are different on earth due to certain rules and such set up way in the distant past, from earth's perspective. To set up certain unique circumstances. That things are beginning to change there and will be continuing to change. earth is not fully a normal experience for a soul. But that will and is changing. Once it has fully changed on the earth, there will likely be others who will want to set up a similar type of thing elsewhere for some to experience and learn in the unique earth type experience. using the earth experience to ensure the next location of a similar situation is perhaps better or , as some humans may say, with some of the kinks worked out. As glorious as what you call the soul plane is none here know everything perfectly, though it may seem that way to some where you are at present.>

So I didn't come here to learn and incarnate a lot but for a specific mission? <a few specific missions yes. You know them in general. The main earth mission, and also to learn more of yourself, experience yourself and become fully awakened or as much as you can, to your true soul self. Once done you'll return here. The learning on earth you've already done elsewhere, or more accurately the energy that is you has while it was part of another. Though you still learned from those since you did choose to remember the experiences wisdom and so on. Though that may be pretty complicated territory.>

Felt soul wanted a ps: <just don't try channeling me for long periods of time. Problems are less likely but can still happen, while our energy is perfectly compatible, the human body and systems, and your systems, are not to use to holding or channeling the larger amounts of energy needed so even in my case go for short periods of time channeling and build up, and channel the 2 of us reguarly. Daily is not needed as I mentioned before.

You are doing fantastically in all areas, keep it up.>
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