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Old 09-04-2015, 12:27 AM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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Now I'll attempt to do the 20th audio in the audio course opening to channel. I wonder how it'll go. I bet Orin will go to fast to type up a full reply. I"ll see if I can just pause it. Also I think I may retry this again maybe.


What is my life purpose right now? <Your life purpose is mainly 2 things. 1 thing you don't need to do anything about, the channeling energy to the earth grid is done automatically.

The other is to awaken as fully as you can. Trust in yourself, keep up and do not give up. look deep within yourself. The courses you take can help, as long as you can afford them. They are more ???? focused ???? then looking elsewhere and spending time looking around for things. This has stuff in 1 place, but is more pricey, so give up some stuff to gain some stuff. In time you may become as aware as your soul is. Every day you open up more to your true self and your soul self. Keep it up.


What are my lessons right now? Learning to trust yourself and trust in yourself. As well as opening up to yourself, your true self that is within. So basically trust and opening up, to yourself. the other things pertain to these 2 and are referral or other aspects of one of these 2 primary things.


How can I create more abundance in my life? Do not turn away possibilities as they come up. They will come up over time at certain intervals. Say when you are at a good time or spot to do one one may open up and you could take it. Trusting in yourself and the universe, all that is, is key.


Are there any thoughts & beliefs I need to change? The primary ones are trusting in yourself, trusting in the universe and your soul and what will be provided, and you can get what you want the key is if it aligned with what the true you wants that will be possible then, but you must believe it is possible and trust in it when it comes up as an opportunity.

I'm not in a relationship with anyone so I'll skip that one. On second thought i'll try my soul. See what I get.

What am I learning in my relationship with (my soul)? You are learning to open up to your true self, becoming your true self and not just the human skin or shell that seems to have been the true you for all these years and decades. it is being dissolved and pealed away, go with the progress and what is happening, things will be more pleasant, fun, and will go much smoother and be easier. Be watchful and you'll help this along immensely.

what is the higher purpose of this relationship? I think that has been answered already as part of the answer to the above.


How can I server this person's spiritual growth (bet I know the answer to this one): Trust in yourself and help the process along as much as you can. Help make it smoother and easier, more fun and pleasurable for both.


any message about something happening in my life right now: The thing with the rpg and the feeling is telling you something about yourself and the relationship of the group to you and to others in the group. Look at this and how you want things to be and act accordingly. I think the dwarven fighter cleric may be a good choice overall, if things go well. Search for your greatest pleasure within the limits set and stick with that and don't venture outside that.


How might I improve my channeling? keep practicing remain open. Do channeling regularly if not daily. Keep up the talking and typing. Typing is easiest since you are taking down what i am saying to you mentally, speaking will help in other ways like deepening it in certain ways and opening up other possibilities. Better if you could practice one at a time, but things and circumstances do not allow that at present. So your attention is divided to an extent. Try to relax the speaking and let it happen. It'll grow more natural for us both over time as will the typing. and I get more attuned and fine tune things as you will as well. Though at present you may not be aware of your fine tuning of certain things.


How can I best express my creativity? By drawing, even doodling, learning to draw will help, though you've not developed it. That will take time and perhaps another guide can help in that area. Writing fiction may help as well, and making up backgrounds for your characters, the various ones you rp.

other ways may come to you over time. Feel free to explore those possibilities as well.


How can I achieve more inner peace? What you are doing at present is working well in that area. pay attention to any feelings you have within and search for the root cause and deal with that.


how may I strengthen my contact with my soul and higher self? The best is to keep what you are doing in the course, light body course. Also you can do some of the opening to channel and if you next course, with a focus on channeling your soul or higher self, as you are me, this will help in this way as well, hand in hand with the opening to channel and the light body courses. It may be smoother and easier.


how can I be more loving & nurturing to myself: Try to keep doing what you are doing, and feel free to go back as needed and deal with certain feelings as they come up as well sending love to yourself and allowing yourself to feel love and that you are loved when you do feel those feelings as you do feel them when you are more sensitive to such things.

it's not that you are not loved at other times, just that you are not a sensitive to that then at other times.

also be fair to yourself.


What is the single most important thing I need to focus on in the next 6 months that fits my higher purpose? 2 things, trust of yourself, trust & looking within.


what is the 2nd more important thing: looking within.


what am I learning in the experience of the thursday rpg group? learning to have fun and pleasure within rigid grounds and help others to have fun, or enhance their fun also.


what can i do spiritually, physically and emotionally to connect more closely with my higher self and soul? pay attention to the foods your body likes and does not like. Leave yourself some time to relax and have fun as you have been doing. put the spiritual stuff first like you have been doing. In short keep doing what you are doing, look for ways to improve or be more efficent in those areas and the time allowed.


He sent one last message before leaving:

Trust in yourself, what is normal is normal, as unusual as it may be.


Overall I think it went very well.
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