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Old 06-04-2015, 11:44 PM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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Thought I would try to connect to my higher self/soul today instead of my guide since working with the ligh body centers today has let me with a slight headache each time I did the meditation.

<Your guided quite understands and agrees. Better to be safe then to connect and cause you another headache. Don't try to much at once. >

Those flashes i had of those places & being in the various bodies, when I tried the past life guided hypnosis.

<Those were all of the same world, and some incarnations there, 3 to be in fact. >

the 3 total, favorites, or randomly chosen? <there were mor3 then 3 there, those were the , most unique. 1 per race, so to speak. Just a glimpse.>

That sonic stuff the dolphin type beings were doing, including when I was one of them. <yes, it's not really sound, but what one can call an equivalent thing, somewhat. We can do that ourselves, or there are certain crystals that resonate in harmonic vibration that can enhance the effect that are used at times. Though when I say we there is a difference between the soul level and the pod. Though the differences can be hard to exactly say since say one could travel to where the pod is then what some may call the soul plane or soul realms, back and forth at will like some do. So that does blur the exact distinction. Exactness is not really important after all.>

So I'm one of those? <dolphin like beings, at what some may call the soul level yes, and you do recall being that, through the memories of former soul. One benefit of being a new/old soul. Though you have memories from former soul and the soul former soul as part of. it can be complicated but I think you understand.> yes, i do think I do.

So what will things be like after this. will I be allowed to not return if i don't want to since i don't feel like I do want to incarnate. <you can not incarnate if you don't want to. The progress point you are at some could say is at the point where most do choose to not incarnate, besides this new us is of the type that is not inclined to incarnate, unlike before.>

So karma won't come into it? <no, for various reasons, the karma system is or will be changed, besides there are various things in place you can just go once it's all over if you wish.>

Then what will things be like for me after this is over? <if you need to go through a recuperation period you may experience awakening in a type of hospital, someone visiting you will be one of your close soul family or closer and will be there to take you home. or if you do not need that you may go home straight away. As for the rest of eternity, you'll do what you enjoy doing the most and we'll go between being 3 beings, 2 , and 1. Since we are all 1 soul after all. Though the urge and desire for us to merge will grow over time or we may just decide to do that. we'll still miss, after a time, the others being around outside ourselves. So it'll flow between those. sometimes, 1, 2, or 3. Those are the rough details. >

Thanks, i think this is enough for now. Even though your energy is, of course perfectly compatible with mine, I don't want to do much today. <yes, since we are 1 soul, our energy is always perfectly compatible, and I'm always around since you are always around you. and where you are I am too.>
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