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Old 20-01-2011, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Verunia
Deviate merely means to depart from usual or accepted standards.

Yes I know what deviant means and that is my whole problem with the OP. Who are you or anyone to determine what "deviant" is, especially when it comes to spirituality OR sexuality?

Originally Posted by Verunia
I do not believe it was being used arbitrarily in the post you mention. Also, as far as normality goes, you're calling the kettle black on that one; your view of normal is going to be different than another person's view.

I don't use the word "normal" or "abnormal" to describe things as complex as sexuality, so your point doesn't even apply to me, and it demonstrates that you don't even get where I'm coming from.

Originally Posted by Verunia
The history of homosexuality is no mystery, especially when it is concerning the Romans and the Greeks. But because it has co-existed with heterosexuality doesn't really mean a thing, unless you believe it to be so. The same goes for heterosexuality.

This comment is really just a platitude. Of course nothing means anything unless I want it to... but I was clearly addressing an inaccuracy in the OP. He claimed that homosexuality and other "deviant" behaviours are at higher levels than they have ever been. That is simply a false statement. If you wish to render the argument more subjective by deconstructing meanings, be my guest. Historical realities are what they are and you can't change that.

The historical realities establish trends that have always existed. Arbitrarily calling homosexuality deviant or abnormal is simply false. Those behaviours have always existed. Anything that people can do with sex, has been done and is happening now. We can talk about it in terms of what is socially acceptable to you or I, but as an objective statement, homosexual behaviour has always existed in equal proportions to how it exists now. The only thing that has changed over time is its level of visibility and acceptance. Even calling it "deviant" is a product of social values, but stating it so emphatically is quite arrogant. If someone came into the discussion saying, "I think homosexuality is deviant", I could accept their reality. What I can't accept is someone blaming homosexuals on their own cheating ways, as if the behaviour of one person is responsible for your own choices. Gays have been scapegoats for all sorts of things throughout history, being subject to ridicule, imprisonment, torture, and execution. It all starts with the kind of scapegoating demonstrated in the OP.

Originally Posted by Verunia
I think Perspective merely pointed out that the male and female anatomy were clearly intended to be together at some point. I have not heard an argument against nature, yet.

Congratulations in knowing human reproductive anatomy, but sexuality is not just reproduction. It is social bonding and exchange, it has a spiritual level, and is a function of two people connecting via intimacy. If every time people had sex it was for reproduction only, then women would only be going into heat during ovulation. At it stands, men and women do not have optimal breeding seasons; they have sex at any given time regardless if it will produce a child.

Furthermore, activities such as oral sex, manual sex, and other forms of non-penetrative sex demonstrate that it can't all be boiled down to male meets female anatomy. In fact, seeing sex ONLY as penetrative is an extremely limited view of sexuality and for that you have my deepest pity.

Originally Posted by Verunia
I wonder why you are getting so defensive, I think everyone's opinion is different and fascinating as long as there is no intended offense. "Get with the times" is awfully presumptuous of you.

I'm not getting defensive. I am being corrective. There's a difference. False information deserves correction at every opportunity, especially when it comes to the absurd things I am seeing in the OP. Coming at human sexuality from a hetero-normative standpoint is denying the extremely diverse range of sexual behaviours that humans exhibit, both in history AND in this present point in time.

Calling something "deviant" is a judgment call no matter what way you slice it. When you are ready to have an honest discussion about human sexuality without the attachment to value judgments of which behaviours are "normal" and which are "deviant", then you will be more enabled to understand where I am coming from and the true scope of human sexuality, which is truly limitless.
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