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Old 29-01-2006, 10:25 PM
Posts: n/a
I'm so excited that I can finally post here! :lol:

I have become a little Matrix geek since the other thread like this! heehe (And have finally got my hands on the animatrix collection which I plan to watch asap!)

anyway, back to the thread....
Originally Posted by Poppies
Okay... I'm feeling in the dark a bit here... but would it be possible that The Oracle knows the choice that Neo will make because a previous One had already made the choice?

So she didn't know because she was 'all-knowing'.... she knew because she'd seen the choice before.... does that make sense at all?

I readily admit that I could be completely and utterly wrong here, but this is what came to mind as I read your post....
The problem that I see here, is that doesn;t Neo make a different choice to what the previos One's made? As in, you could say he even transcends the barriers of the One? Because, he doesnt choose the door that would save the Matrix, he choses the one to save Trinity....
Furthermore, does The Oracle even know what choice Neo has made, or is she merely saying that he's already made it?
Also, I think it;d be interesting to look at how Neo understands the choices he makes...I dont fully understand this aspect of him....I dont see where in the films he is ever understanding his choices....this could just be me being dense...but I really dont at all...

Originally Posted by jadedmelody
Also i think that the feet on the ground may be being slightly more meaningful than just "this means that Zion represents Earth".
So then, in your opinion, what else does it mean / represent?

Another thing that confuses me about the films (and I figure here is the best place to pose the quesion! lol) is that in Brian Takles essays, he talks about when Neo is 'made' into another Smith right at the end and says this:
The new Smith is not part of the "collective Smith" at all
Fair enough, but then he goes on to talk about how information is passed freely within all the Smiths - again, fine. So he concludes (this little bit) by saying that when Neo/Smith connected with the Source he was deleted. Again, fine. But then he says that because information flows freely within all the SMiths, the others are deleted my question is this, how could the information flow freely is Neo/Smith is "not part of the 'collective Smith' at all"??

Okay, thats it for now...
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