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Old 19-01-2011, 06:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Perspective
Homosexuality is a hot topic & Yonex briefly mentioned it on the side - speaking of deviations, which is correct. The history of homosexuality is irrelevant. If homosexuality was the norm (as oposed to deviation) you & I would not be here, since we are a product of an egg (from a woman) & a sperm (from a man). Anatomy also is obvious: a penis fits into a vagina, not into another penis, nor does a vagina fit with another vagina. I understand people experience homosexual feelings & orientation, for various reasons, but it is a deviation from nature.
But how many other deviations are there! We all "deviate" in some ways. So, in that way, I believe someone with homosexual orientation isn't that "deviated."

The word "deviation" is just a word you are arbitrarily attributing to a situation that does not seem "normal" to you. However, your view of "normal" is not relevant to the reality of homosexuality's presence in human activity and consciousness for all time. This has been confirmed scientifically and historically.

Your argument about reproduction is classic and also a misnomer. Homosexuality just means same-sex relations. It does not mean those partaking in those relations are exclusively homosexual per se. Entire Roman armies engaged in homosexual behaviours in order to strengthen battle bonds, for example, but most of them also had wives back on the home front.

Your attachment to "normalcy" as you arbitrarily define it is the issue here, and not the objective reality of what homosexuality is. All human sexuality is arguably "normal", since all variations have occurred at all times. You're acting like homosexuality is new, but it isn't. It has co-existed along with heterosexual reproduction for all of history.

It's your choice to cling to ignorance if you wish, but you are wrong. Plain and simple. Homosexuality is not a deviation, but a variation. The term "deviant" and other such slanted terminologies were written out of the DSM psychiatric books almost 50 years ago now. Get with the times.
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