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Old 15-03-2015, 08:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by durgaa
Candlelight, every chakra is said to store karma, but if the base chakras are awakened first, without purification through the ajna, then it can be dangerous.
A well-known Yogi explains below:

Reading your posts is like listening to Two steps from hell. Interesting information. How does one actually know whether spirit is doing Ajna chakra is doing cleaning work on the chakra and the related chakra? In the beginning of my awakening, I felt like puppet. A strong force forcing me to go to the loo at work and spend 5 minutes. Looking the reflection of my eyes in the mirror. Most of the time, it shut my eyes and I felt energy moving. One day, I even saw, what I think was a blue shadow around my ear... Possibly a part of my aura.

Has anyone gone through some similar?

"Don't be confused because IT someone else's victory".... I wonder what that means spiritually. Specially if one is undergoing thought-form clearing work.
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