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Old 28-02-2015, 09:48 AM
Tristran Tristran is offline
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Originally Posted by jinivha
Tristran, why are you a part of such an open-minded community when your views are so narrow? Why are we sinners for astral projecting?
Because i have witnessed first hand the risks of astral traveling into a house of fallen angels only to end up getting blasted through a white door into Hades standing next to the black, leafless, scorched Tree of Death.

Whilst there, events just went from bad to worse.

Astral traveling is a death wish.

i am not stopping anyone from trying it. If a person wants hell for eternity, astral traveling is a perfect way to get there. Once they are in hell they will never escape.

Again, if astral traveling was good, YHWH would allow it to happen naturally every night for every person on this planet, wouldn't He ?

Well, He doesn't, because the astral plane contains all fallen angels and they are grumpy right now. Lol
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