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Old 14-01-2015, 09:40 AM
Posts: n/a
What are you meditating for?

For us crazy spiritual people, meditation is a staple of emotional wellbeing....It has been shown in many studies that the benefits of meditation are many and effective.......but then what about the paradox of the whole thing?

If we practice, it is for the sole purpose in bringing about a change in ourselves, but ultimately it is this attempt to change that is the root cause of the problem. Therefore no matter how many hours we sit, the solution will never come. In fact, ANY desire to meditate for spiritual reasons negates any possibility of nourishment, but will give a nice relaxed feeling in the body and will help us be calmer and more effective.

What I'm suggesting is that meditation is for beginners who don't understand that it is impossible to understand...if that makes sense...Otherwise why would you even try?
It is a purely physical thing that enables us to be content with the material portion of reality. Once this is complete...then we can start to mature.

Meditate to relax and heal the body of course...but if we don't finish with the practice at some point, we are doomed to failure.....We have to drop all ideas of it so that we can see though our own eyes rather than the eyes of a pedestalled sage.

There is no enlightenment! There are no Gods, no spirits, no evolution, no peace, no practice that can help us evolve.....As long as we have these ideas in our chance.

Spirituality has been commercialised, *******ised, corrupted, packaged and sold to us, and since we tend to follow like sheep, the community has paid a heavy price.

I believe that for many of us....meditation is our form of entertainment....Hugh Hefner gets his from taking advantage of pretty girls who love money so much that they abandon their integrity (the girls get theirs from the inverse), and we get ours from sitting a fundamental level, there is no difference between the two.
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