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Old 29-12-2014, 07:13 PM
guthrio guthrio is offline
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The secret of the Tai Chi Tu

Originally Posted by GOLDEN DRAGON YIN YANG
Thanks for your kind thoughts.

I have attempted too download an image from Facebook but it does not seem to work.

It can also be said of the RAD.

This image will also be seen as the mythic aura of Phanes (Greek: Φάνης, from φαίνω - phainō "I bring to light"), or Protogonos (Greek: Πρωτογόνος, "First-born"), was the mystic primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life, in the Greek creation myth, as being born from the split of the Orphic egg IE the yin and yang principal.

If you all would go to my Facebook page you can see the Radiant Aura Diagram on my timeline.

Facebook: Golden Dragon Yin-yang.



I, too, went to your Facebook page, which had many references to crop circles and other esoteric designs....but am as yet, unable to ascertain their purpose.

You mentioned in your original post above that the secret of the Tai Chi Tu would be "unleashed on humanity sooner or later".....which on the face of it, sounds rather more ominous than promising.

Please elaborate. What does that mean?

Thank you.
“Why, that’s true! I am a perfect, unlimited gull!” Jonathan opened his eyes asking, "Where are we?” The Elder Chiang said, “We’re on some planet with a green sky and a double star for a sun.” Jonathan made a scree of delight. “IT WORKS!" “Well, of course it works, Jon,” said Chiang. “It always works, when you know what you’re doing." (and even when you don't)
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