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Old 28-12-2014, 03:13 PM
jonesboy jonesboy is offline
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You know the Buddha said don't trust a thing I say. Test everything out.

There is a difference between a path that has been tested for thousands of years compared to the path of Gem.

The problem is you get a lot of new people here told ** like just go with what feels right. Make it up and just go for it if it feels good. All wrong answers? The path has a lot of dangers and a person could spend a lifetime going in circles.

When I talk about a system it is about do A and B will happen. Do B and C will happen. A process with expected outcomes. Safe, fast and proven.

Here most people don't even talk paths. It is a bunch of my Kung fu is better than yours. I meditate this way, no I meditate like this and my way is better. Very few people here have yet to understand there is more than just meditation to advance ones practice, state of mind.

So for some real advice. Follow a system. Test it out. Does it work? Does this style fit me? That is why there are so many paths to the same place. To find that which speaks to you. But going out and making something up is a case of wasting time.
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