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Old 22-12-2014, 07:20 PM
Bluebutterflycr Bluebutterflycr is offline
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Originally Posted by inthemoment777
There are different forms of meditation, the ones where you sit quietly in a quiet place, making the mind quiet. But theres also a meditation that you can do anywhere, in the desert or the market place as you go about your daily life. Where there is no effort to make the mind quiet, only an alert vibrant aware state of the moment free of thought.

Its wonderful being in the moment where no thoughts give any significant to your being or distract you from the beauty around you. We shouldn't suppress our thoughts, or name them, for that is the ego, a thought, but we are not our thoughts. As a thought comes in let it go out again without holding on to it.
This can be done by being totally aware of the present. After all a thought is the past or tomorrow, its your experience or dreams, one is dead and the other an illusion. Only the present moment is real.

You cannot think about anything new, go on try it try thinking about something that you have never known or heard about before...its impossible, so thoughts are from memory, from your experience, from the past.

Yet the past is dead and distracts us from the moment. Just as thoughts of tomorrow distract us from the moment. We cannot be sensitive and aware to the beauty around and in us if our mind is lost in the future or the past.

Our awareness in the moment will be clouded by yesterday or tomorrows thoughts.
If you are totally aware in the moment you will be free of thoughts. Imagine sitting in a beautiful valley and the most beautiful amazing thing in the world appeared in front of your eyes...would you be thinking about tomorrow or yesterday?

All we have to do is to look with fresh eyes, look at everything like we have never looked before, look without memory, without naming it, as if its for the first time and we will see amazing things, we will be sensitive to everything, we will appreciate things as they are instead of thinking how they should be, we will see beauty everywhere with love in our hearts, truly being in the moment and if a thought does come in it will have no place to lay its hat as the awareness of being in the moment will be too strong for that thought to linger.

I think that what you wrote is very powerful, thanks!
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