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Old 15-12-2014, 12:36 PM
John J. Bannan
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by wstein
That may be, however presenting 12% of a proof and expecting any one else to follow it is reaching.

From what was written the gaps concerning power of creation vs. power of control , the mind, the will, and the role of beings are too big for me to bridge.

Reality is the absence of the absence of reality.

The Big Bang is strong evidence of the beginning of our particular universe.

There is no logical means of limiting the number of possible states of existence.

Imagination is infinite in that sense that I can always imagine one more of the same thing.

The Big Bang is strong evidence that our particular universe has become materially real.

Name another method of something becoming materially real besides a constraint.

A constraint must have continuing power over the material real, because a constraint on what becomes materially real and what does not become materially real must have power to alter the material real at will.

Because a constraint must have continuing power to alter material creation at will, the constraint must be omnipresent to perform such alteration at will.

The mind of the constraint must likewise be omnipresent because without the mind, there is no power to alter material creation at will.

There must be a single being or constraint, otherwise multiple constraints would have the power to undo the work of eachother, and therefore none would be a constraint on all material creation.
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