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Old 13-01-2011, 06:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Spiritlite
Okay so over 100 birds found dead just an hour north of me. They say it was a truck that hit this whole flock and killed them...yeah right.
Guys google's a weapon and is species specific...scarey stuff.
Pray for Earth and us and animals.........

Hello Spirtlite, the so called "freak" death of birds has been happening for a long time now, is not a new occurrence, and has never been explained by science. And it has been happening A LOT. I once was around when a murder of crows, suddenly fell down dead in an intersection, a whole group of around 50 of them, a few years back.

From my research the only theory i really agree with, is it is because of the changes in the magnetic pole shifts. Both birds, and fish rely on it. It is happening so fast, that some of the animals are not able to adapt fast enough to the changes. Other than that, i have my own spiritual beliefs.

As for HAARP, be careful when you research into conspiracy theories, when you do, read the other side to things as well. I just get the sense, from your posts, you (in blunt terms) fear too much. I hope that doesn't offend you - i'm being straightforward. It's just, you could let fear overwhelm you easily, without seeing the good in things. Of course, when you see a lake full of thousands of dead fish, it's gruesome, it's horrible, but try and see the big picture of the changes of earth, and remember the earth is loving.
"With destruction comes great peace."
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