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Old 03-12-2014, 04:39 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
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[quote=Jenny Crow]
Originally Posted by wmsm
Opinion is based on many different circumstances.

To have an opinion experience has to be involved, which it has.

I learn just like everyone else does and you seem to imply that my opinion has no basis, but yours does?

I was taught by old information about spirit, and self applied those teachings. From self experience I made contact with light spirits whose detail without personal study or personal pre-reference proved to be exact and scientifically based, historical based and also medical based.

This information proved to me that I was in contact with our higher light consciousness, via evidence proven in actual healed body outcomes.

Many other circumstances also proved my psychic precepts to be correct.

This is how I informed myself and gained an opinion.

Then I was attacked by a scientific relayed data program that related to the study of black body radiation and the collider experiments, doing research on the atmospheric spiritual information relating to angels...their bodies, their sounds trying to gain plasma data for themselves.

This is how I was informed via actual personal evidence.

Spirit also allowed me to understand how the ancient human being applied the biblical data, and I understood how via astronomical events relating to psychic/spirit attacks/plagues/disasters, that they were very aware of how conversion signals were created in the atmosphere by transmitted sound relays from the Pyramids that caused the spiritual attack on humanity.

Therefore I once believed only in my own higher conscious perception, that there were no evil spirits. I knew of the negative body that humans released in anger, and how they collected the negative emotional body that caused illness and diseases, as I dealt with it.

After I was attacked with the purposeful programmed transmission, that had been caused by Occult Scientists researching the natural bio cell in Nature, attacking animal life and human life, I then became aware of the evil spirit.

Therefore I identified myself that the evil spirit had been created by this program caused by occult studies of evil minded scientists at NASA.

I then researched biblical data and also came to understand how the ancients caused it themselves, not on purpose or by choice, but by attack. This attack caused by them involved a data researched wavelength history that they knew would end in the Year 2012.

As Scientists wanted the program that involved evil transmissions (black body radiation), the purposely contacted it for research. These Scientists then purposely began to attack us with the evil spirit, as proven to myself.

The atmosphere is a huge angelic sound body that keeps our life protected.

Scientists do not act in accordance with equality or equal balances, they choose to do separation, cause separation and do new conversions. They took away our natural atmospheric angelic sound protection and we began to get attacked by evil. QUOTE

You say you were taught by old information - what "old information" is that, if you don't mind my asking. And can you please explain what you mean by - quote "I made contact with light spirits whose detail without personal study or personal pre-reference proved to be exact and scientifically based, historical based and medical based". - How did you make contact with said spirits?

Could you further explain "that the evil spirit had been created by this program caused by occult studies of evil minded scientists at NASA"

Do you have proof that scientists do not act in accordance with equality or equal balances, they choose to do separation, cause separation and do new conversions. - - What does this have to do with evil spirits?

Quote - "They took away our natural atmospheric angelic sound protection and we began to get attacked by evil." - - What is this or what was this 'natural atmospheric angelic sound protection'?

I do not wish to be rude but this is just not making any sense (to me).

Jenny Crow

Old information is information that is given to us all through various religious teachings.

Religious teaching is the basis we have all used to question spirit and truth.

I learnt to meditate. In meditation I asked questions, and gained answers in my personal dreams. I learnt about spirit symbolism in dreams and used the information.

I also used the state of meditation to do spiritual healing. Asking for assistance from light beings to give answers to the human who had a disease, illness or medical problem. I gained correct answers regarding personal medical data, which had not been divulged to me. Also personal history of various trigger factors involving the disease such as personal life trauma, not discussed previously and eating habits etc.

Therefore spirit information qualified itself as being true and exact as a psychic related informed state....proven to me by the information given without my prior knowledge. I also at times saw the visiting spirit Healer in my psychic mind, which correlated to others who were working with me as Healing assistants. This is why received information provided its own evidence of spirit presence to me.

The evil spirit by reference does not exist in reality. It has to be contacted and caused. The total of atmospheric sound is quantified by our consciousness to be Heavenly angelic sound as a body. This body supports our life condition, the protection of our spirit and our consciousness.

Scientists cause the situation of studying, experimenting and contacting separate states that are not in co-ordination with the state of protection.

Evil relates to burnt spirits, or burnt light, hence nuclear. Scientists contacted the nuclear and released the nuclear, causing burnt light sounds to be released in our own protected Heavenly light sound body.

This is how the evil spirit gets created, released and caused by a constant transmitted burnt signal, forming evil spirits. To gain conversion for the nuclear, an actual light wavelength gets converted, which is why we all began to witness UFO bodies forming in our atmosphere as an evil spirit attack.

As our life history is known by many psychics, witnessed by many psychics as a record in the light wave lengths, burning of light sound in these wavelengths causes an interaction with past life information and past life spirit imagery -sound/expression/thoughts/information, and human information as spirit records begin to get released as evil spirits.

Eventually, this spirit as a presence, as is being witnessed attacks everyone.

This is an ancient awareness, documented and discussed because it was previously witnessed after ancients were using the same conversion wavelengths for Pyramid/Temple science. This is the reason the information was documented as a warning against alchemy.
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