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Old 21-11-2014, 12:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by knightofalbion
I always like to think that today's vegetarian is tomorrow's vegan.

There are no nutrients in meat that 'you' cannot get in free range eggs and dairy. And the protein in free range eggs and dairy is superior to red meat.
So that part is not particularly challenging.

To go all the way to veganism is perfectly doable. A growing number of people are doing just that. (Some famous vegans include Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, Chaka Khan, Patrik Baboumian ...)
As Tobi said you just need - as with any diet - to ascertain that you're eating a balanced diet, covering all bases in terms of protein and nutrients.

Yes, there is always alternatives when it comes to protein and nutrients without eating any animal products. Thanks for your input! :)
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