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Old 17-11-2014, 08:24 AM
Astral Seeker
Posts: n/a
Didnt achieve any exit so far BUT two things happened :

- I sleep on my belly, so I always to try to AP from my belly but since this is my natural sleeping position I always end up falling asleep. I tried laying on my back but this is on the contrary too uncomfortable and I can't relax. On my sides I'm not comfortable enough neither.

So seems like I'm screwed but maybe not. 2 nights ago I woke up in the early morning and didnt want to wake up so I put myself on my back but not str8 on my back. Instead, I had my head turned to one side. I found this position far more comfortable without being my natural position neither. I drift off to sleep and at one point I started to feel light vibrations coming in.

Even if this seems to be a real minor achievement, this is huge for me because : a) I never felt vibrations when drifting off to sleep (just felt them when I randomly woke up and found myself in the treshold state). And b) Feeling those vibrations on my back is a huge improvement since it means that I can AP from my back and that this position might be my door to sucess in AP.

So last night when I woke up at 2:30am I was obv on my belly (natural sleeping position, remember ?), and turned to be on my back but with my head turned to one side. Although I didnt project, I fell asleep and even had dreams. I never could fall asleep on my back and seems that I found the way to crack the code which makes me be very happy.

Now I know that I have to be in that position if I want to AP : on my belly I just fall asleep 100% of the time no matter how hard I try to remain aware, and str8 on my back I just can't relax and let go. On my back but with my head turned on one side or the other this is the perfect middle : I can relax to the point of falling asleep but still this is not a very comfortable position for me.

That was the 1st point. Now, the second one and it was weird I dont know what it was.

I dreamt that I was in a house with some people and long story short I found myself laying down at night in a bed. But while I was dreaming that I was sleeping on that bed, I also became aware of being in my "real" bed sleeping as well. Then in my dream I felt someone come into my bedroom and get closer to my bed. I knew in my dream that this mysterious person was there to kill me.

Odd thing is that while I was aware of that dream person there to kill me I started to feel in my "real" bedroom someone really approaching to my bed. I started to feel scared in both my dream and in "reality".

I kept my eyes closed, still aware to be both in my dream and kind of awake and I felt that this shadow person (I couldnt have a pic of him/her, just a shadow) was stabbing me with a knife. I felt it in my dream but I ALSO felt some real physical motion in real life, as if someone was REALLY stabbing at me !

I really freaked out even if I didnt move.

At some point I opened my eyes, a bit nervous and still sweating (lol).

What was that ??
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