Thread: I saw a fairy.
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Old 17-10-2006, 09:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Feohgoddess, You are LUCKY!! Usually elementals are so shy that they don't often appear. The last time I saw an elemental--he was a fairy elf--appeared to me in Spring over a year ago. He was about 3 feet tall, squatting on the side of my bed, watching me wake up. I know he was there to help me with issues with my Mom. But I was so startled to see him that I shrieked. I didn't mean too--it just came out. And then he was gone. I asked him to come back, but he never did.

Elementals are showing up more and more to humans because they want to partner with us in helping the Earth. They live in the 4th dimension--that's why they are so easily accessible to us. You might check out the book "My Summer with the Leprechauns." Very interesting.