Thread: Ascension stuff
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Old 17-10-2006, 03:34 PM
chadley chadley is offline
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Ascension stuff

I would like to address the Ascension process from what I hope is in a less aggressive and argumentative way, if you will oblige me. I simply have some questions that hopefully will really help me understand the goals of ascension. Though ascending in consciousness is a practice that is a natural result of what I do, I will be quite honest that I’m not very familiar with the type of approach that Mikron, Pounamu and Lapis take. I would like to make some observations and opinions of what I have observed so far on a very limited basis. I’m sure that some of my conclusions I am about to express to you will reveal many things about the practices and beliefs of people who read Karen Bishops stuff and such that I do not understand. I would humbly ask that you please correct me where I speak incorrectly about the process. I have said some of this in other posts but I would like to bring it together with this subject. So please, I want to learn about this, not argue about it. I feel the best way to do this is to tell you what I know and let you go from there. Below is my feeling about ascension, and other things:

The true master does not sit on a mountain top or in a cave his whole life experiencing oneness with god. If so, why incarnate in the first place? You are already one with god. When you ascend to new levels of consciousness and experience you bring your awareness to the levels at which you already exist. Taking this step of experiencing is very important, it helps you remember who you are. To be conscious of it while walking in our meat suits gives us a tremendous advantage. However, our soul already knows this. Your purpose for incarnation was not to go where you are already in communion with god/soul, but to have the courage to go where you are not, so that we may surrender our resistance to love in this area.

If ascension is used as a tool for contrast to identify how to align our SELF with soul, it can prove very useful. However, no matter how high you ascend, no matter how many paradigms eclipsed, even if you make it to god/soul itself or whatever your highest goal is, you can not escape the process by which you must face that which tethers you to earth. Every single aspect of divinity must eventually unfold/transmute/manifest all the way down to the lowest plane, the material and physical world. If discord exists in the physical, that is a direct reflection of what remains unfixed in spirit. Experiencing spiritual bliss and enlightenment in the highest planes is almost effortless, but executing the principles that create bliss down here is no picnic. It is the ultimate challenge, to integrate a constant expression of the highest love within the physical state. This is not accomplished by ascending past it, but rather being with it where you are now.

The result of trying to skip this step by rising above it is a karmic effect called disillusionment. When you do not integrate your higher spirit with your lower self, when you neglect your lower self, the consequences will reveal themselves both quickly and over time. How many spiritual escape artists in the process of describing their experience of ascension or projection or whatever apparent new awakening they have, testify that they then have many road blocks set before them in life. They may have health issues, loose their jobs or run into any number of things that cause discomfort here on earth. This is immediate disillusionment. The immediate karmic effect that is telling you to not neglect what must be addressed down here on earth. The more you ignore, the stronger and more pronounced the road blocks until they are addressed. The other long term karmic effect, as you already know, is re-incarnation.
Lack of abundance, Disliking your job, dis-ease or health issues/pain, suffering of any sort, emotional pain or the experiencing of any negative emotion, loneliness, sexual dysfunction, unhealthy relationships among other things are in every circumstance examples in your life to show you where you are not in alignment with god. Each one must be addressed one by one until there are none and only then will the physical body no longer be needed. The elevation in the number of DNA strands is the result of progress made in your physical, emotional and mental bodies, nothing more. It is the transmutation of an elevated level of vibration in your lower bodies of energy. It serves as information no more valuable than the number of lifetimes you’ve lived on earth, who you were in a past life, what paradigm or spiritual threshold you have surpassed, what your calibration is according to Dr. Hawkins, what your sign is, how advanced your skill is as a psychic or medium, or that you can kung fu 10 bricks with your head. These abilities are all nearly irrelevant! These experiences, bits of information, or skills may serve to show the difference between where you were and where you are, or they may provide you with information. But they do not give you the courage or ability to apply it at the source. Use the law of attraction as an example. Is everyone who knows the secrets of this law now abundant? I will tell you from experience that this is generally not the case, with, of course a few exceptions. Why is this? It is because you were already applying the law even before you were conscious that you were doing it. And the same things that were blocking your abundance before this knowledge are still there once the knowledge is achieved. Knowing how the law works does not allow you to circumvent the issues that prevent you from full prosperity. The process is still the same. You must find the original wound/ fear/ thought form(s)/ misalignment and change/fix/align it with the divine before you can proceed to reap the benefits of your knowledge.

Thus, ascension, astral projection, transcendental meditation, religion etc. are not paths to enlightenment, they are only instruments that assist with the identification of what is not aligned with your soul’s divine intent. They are lights that shine upon the road signs of life. Use them all, but with caution, as the ego wants you to think they are the key to enlightenment itself or that thy will allow you skip certain challenges in life that prevent you from achieving your spiritual goals.

Can you expand or add to what I have said? That would be great! Does the above, in some ways, not apply to the ascension process??

Inquiring Chadley's would like to know!

Last edited by chadley : 17-10-2006 at 04:13 PM.