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Old 03-10-2014, 06:33 PM
Michelle11 Michelle11 is offline
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Ah, this is a tough one when other people are involved. It sounds like this is something that has had your attention for a while. You are subconsciously (basement) trying to sort it out. You are aware that this man very well has a beautiful life and marriage. The wife at this point is unaware that there may be this attraction between you two. But I think the point of the dream is to ask you if you want to be responsible for the break up of the marriage. Her packing was at your feet suggesting that your presence could cause her to leave. You are attracted to this man but how would you handle it if you were to cause the end of his marriage. The end of your own for that matter. Sometimes in life we run into people who we have very strong connections with but that doesn't mean we are meant to be together with them. Sometimes we have other agendas to tend to and meeting them is just a chance to remember we are not alone. In the whole scheme of things those we feel a connection with are people we are connected with in the afterlife. That won't change even if we do not get together in this life. We will just reconnect with them when our show is over on earth so to speak. But basically I think the dream is asking you to look at the beautiful life this man has and decide if you want to be the one who breaks it up. How would it make you feel to be responsible for something like that. If it isn't something you can live with then it may be time to let any future with this person go.
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