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Old 27-09-2014, 01:38 AM
LC2488 LC2488 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 164
Originally Posted by knightofalbion
"Fictional ones"? You mean, someone you have a crush on, like a Marilyn Monroe or suchlike? She wouldn't be there because you don't know her and she isn't in your circle of loved ones. Though it might be possible to meet her in spirit.

Earthly things like fame, fortune and physical beauty mean nothing over there. People are known by their true nature.

So what if it's something more than a crush? You said Marliyn Monroe, for example. What if she was more like a connection to someone? They never met her in person, but they've managed to become spiritually aware thanks to her? Maybe even a life-changer. Not an inspiration, but something different. Like one just comes across an interview of hers and suddenly listens and believes in what she says and does. Just out of nowhere. Would she not be with them considering the impact made on that person? You know, especially considering the circumstances?
"What I put into it is really what I'm going to get out of it. I know how energy works and words are so powerful." - Lisa
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