Thread: About forgiving
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Old 18-09-2014, 09:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by A human Being
I don't see myself as being human, I see myself as spirit inhabiting a human body; when I die, I believe, I'll leave my body but I'll still be. I'm of the view that you're what is always, eternally present, and all forms (including my own) are transient - therefore, my true identity can't be a form of any description.

Which isn't to say that I neglect my body or mistreat it, because I still feel the effects that my life-style and eating habits have on it, and I'm sane (well, relatively speaking ), so I don't want to experience unneccessary pain.

That's all intellectual speak though. I know i'm formless, so I just get on with the human experience without really giving 'what I am' or 'am not' too much thought. When we stop and speak about what 'I am' is, it just takes away from the original point that was made.
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