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Old 31-08-2014, 12:07 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Hmm, a lot to contemplate.

Now that you talk of the logic center in our brain, I can see and put the pieces together. Evening seeing an accident, two people will tell the story differently. Because their logic center can only handle what it can handle.

That is the part of the brain that needs to be focused on, strengthened. Also, our society needs to acknowledge and embrace the spirit world in a more open manner.

Another train of thought: do you think, there are more psychic people today than, say, 50 years ago? Will that part of our brain develop as we progress in future generations? I agree that people who have psychic abilities, have children who have psychic abilities. In other words, will that spill into the rest of the non-psychic families in the future?
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