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Old 28-08-2014, 05:40 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Originally Posted by linen53
Would you say we do not see those who have passed away because we have been conditioned and continue to condition ourselves not to see them?

I look to my childhood and memories from the age of 6 and being told "never" talk about this and how my Dad held that power of authority over the family so I never did. When I rebelled some as a teen I would make comments from time to time and get told again "stop". So in that early age I should have shut it down in me. Why is that I am told I came in as I am fully "on and aware" that this is me and I had to find a path to grow into it all

Looking at my oldest Son man I missed it in him til he was 2 and could show me with a picture test whom was in his room. I saw it almost day one with the other two kids that they saw things. The oldest is me again fully, and I have never shut him down. He too came in with it but different from me he is OK with it all no nightmares peace it is whom he is.

We are told stories about "monsters under the bed" then told that is not real but for some of us that is real. We see things but are told its nothing.

How do we get past this dilemma? Especially when 98% of the population avoid anything on the subject of death?

We have a very strong logic centre to our brain and it works to block things we do not understand seeing or hearing at times. Oh its nothing is easy to say and that will be that.

How do we move past this place that most do not buy into seeing things that we call spirits is much being able to know whom you are as a person and being strong on that path. Being a self advocate and one there for your kids. That can be hard as it takes a lot of good self image and confidence. I had to find that place in me......and have. I have been putting that place in line with my kids.

You too have to know when to share and when not to share. I can openly say to people "I see dead people" as I know well whom I am and honor fully the gifts I came in with. I know whom I am as a person. That took many years and much trainning in public speaking. I too do not go around SHOWING OFF whom I am and what I can do like some Mediums do. I would never go up to a stranger and go "Mom has a message for you" . That is an invation on all levels.

It comes down to where one lives at times too what prosecutions one might face. Times are changing but its slow to come. We will get there.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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