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Old 15-08-2014, 09:17 AM
Dragonfly1 Dragonfly1 is offline
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Originally Posted by yumi14
I'm not sure if this actually happens....but when you watch movies based on real life hauntings, some of those people do die from fright or from the entities killing them. So, I do suppose it does happen. Even people who have become drastically possessed have died. Well, these are just what they say happened and end up making movies on these cases. So, yeah....I have always wondered what happens to the victim's souls.

For what purpose do these entities kill ? Does it somehow feed their energy? Or do they just enjoy killing for the sport of it?

Thanks for the replies so far , everyone.

Im not sure about movies, they're highly dramatized, so its hard to say how much of it is actually true.....i would imagine that fear would be the reason that an entity may do what it does, to, yes, feed off the fear energy.....I'm not sure about causing death though.....I think that keeping in the light, and not dwelling on lower vibration entities is the best thing to do......and call in Angels to keep you safe, and always protect yourself with your own inner energy ......I don't think that an entity could actually kill you......but scare you quite a bit if you allowed it to.....if you show no fear, or call in God, or Angels like Michael, and ask them to remove the entity with loving intention that would be the is very powerful.....but, as far as the movie thing.........i think much of what is based on truth, has been played with so much for effect, that i would say its not really close to being true......
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