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Old 04-01-2011, 10:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by in progress
Ha! What I need to do is back up and read this thread. I was just looking at a Nov posting by Tyberonn and I see that you say this also, the merkabah is "goin' outta style"!

So it agrees w/ the other channel I like in this respect but they talk about a diamond shape as the next bump up. They also talk about the new energy system getting "tested" in portions before it fully comes on line.
The diamond shape must be "The cube" or the "dodecahedron" yep, I've used and practiced it.. it creates environments.. (in the head.. it has applications like perfect recall if I remember right) one of my fellow students said that they created a beach in a guided meditation and almost got sun burned..

Yes, metatron has said that the "octahedron" 1st geometry (inside the "star tetrahedron") is obsolete.. everyone should be at the level of the star tetrahedron.. as mentioned the cube became fully active on 10-10-10 what that means I have no idea cause haven't worked with the cube since november with my teacher

My understanding when working with the geometries.. is to draw the lines and see them around you.. jim often gives specifics about where the "star tetrahedron" is around you and it's different for different bodies too.. females face a line.. males face a clear triangular window.. (knowing the specifics of the way it faces etc. is not always important.. just putting your ATTENTION on it.. is) jim's #1 statement for anyone.. "can't do it wrong"

I can show you some pictures from my class or video if your so borred.. ?
Originally Posted by Sira
Well, having experienced a couple of trial runs, for me the mer-ka-na vehicle appears as a sphere around me, like in the picture of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci. I don't know much about the technology, I am the guinea pig.
The icosahedron is "round" or kind of square shaped.. it's the next geometry up from the "dodecahedron" (it has 20 points) I don't think we'll get to it in our class's for another couple of months.. I would think..

Course what your talking about also reminds me of the "sphere" which is a different energy made of both the mother and the father..
Originally Posted by mikron
greetings All Light Beings and there is so much intensity on this subject and to connect this information to another recent post! has to do with Pole Shift on planet Earth! I am just bringing this up to consider when the Pole shift does happen the majority of people on Planet Earth will lose their Memory! the catch phrase here is the people who have activated there Merkaba will save and have full Memory!

for more information about this head over to a new post I recently posted

Drunvalo Jan 2011 update Youtube
2 hours of video

cheers mikron
Actually, my understanding is people are already losing there memory.. I often can't remember things and sometimes have to spend a minute remember a "word" or idea I know but can't quite remember how to say it.. the nice part about this memory loss.. is once it's gone, they don't remember they ever had it.. as far as I can tell all my memory's are intact during my work with jim.. but you only know what you know, you don't know what you don't know..
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