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Old 06-08-2014, 12:44 PM
nina1021 nina1021 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 71
Originally Posted by LibbyScorp
Thank you so much for taking the time to introduce your story.
I welcome any random discussion.

More and more people are on this quest wave for truth. Waking up to full potential.
It's not quite as lonely as it used to be.
Times on Earth are changing, that's for sure.
Leaps and bounds into consciousness.
But still. One light bulb at a time :)

To my knowledge, I do not remember having contact with other planetary beings... unless... What I figured were angels and spirits that could have been...

Have you been having much contact?
You have me curious now.

I've been aboard a few ships. haha I still can't get used to saying that sometimes. I started my awakening August 2012 during the beginning of the Earth shift but it wasn't until August of 2013 that I discovered there was more to my awakening. I was having flashbacks to places I have visited, I am still dream walking to planets I have gone to and interacting with our galactic brothers and sisters.

I was a traveler of sorts. I have a home base planet but I can't remember where. I'm so use to going from planet to planet or wherever im needed, finishing up an assignment and going on to the next one. Sometimes I would go back to my planet and rest other times i would be away for a very long time.

My interactions range from helping planetary beings evolved through energy, restoring their population by helping with reproduction (no i did not give birth to any alien babies) I was more of a nanny sometimes lol, other times I would visit other planets to hang out or play with them. Sometimes for learning but mostly for assisting. And then I came to Earth haha but currently I have been communicating with my guides because I want more answers. I know my mission but starting is always the tricky part.

I thank you for this post. I'm glad I am not alone. I have been told many times over that I am Indigo so finding my home planet may take away due to all the experiences and lifetimes I have had. But i'm getting little pieces here and there. Eventually the puzzle will come to be.
Love and Light

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