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Old 31-07-2014, 12:47 AM
lapaz1021 lapaz1021 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 42
thinking something then automatically seeing the numbers, 111,222,333,777, etc lately its been ALOT of 222. ( i need to do healing and balance myself ASAP) Or even on the radio, today after getting out of the car as i was waiting to cross the street a HUGE bus with the number 11 on the top and 11 on the bottom passed by me.

i also thought this was kinda funny, i am the manager of this little 711 type of store here in the country i am currently living in, and theres this mini little truck that always drops off things in the store next door, im not really sure what they sell or make exactly i know its something to do with furniture .but in the back of the truck it saids. . . MIRRORS .. his first three letters of his name a dot and then the first 3 letters of my name. LOL .
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