Thread: bugs
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Old 26-07-2014, 04:23 PM
Posts: n/a
They do appear small and insignificant I agree, but only until you delve into the life cycle and position in the chain of life of each individual little beastie.. Sometimes it's possible to alter or even destroy a whole section of the chain by eliminating any particular type of bug. Then the next bug in the chain suddenly finds that his lunch is no longer available or the nightopening flower that relied on the missing bug to pollinate it, just isn't being visited anymore..

" These words mean nothing to the bugs outside, or inside either. "
Ah! I'm not so sure about that, because the words mean that you have at least thought about the bugs doing gymnastics on your house windows, so if you're a bug 1/20th of an inch long and somebody posts on a forum about you, then you're not so insignificant and you just have to hope that the big black beetle that keeps giving you hungry looks knows you're no longer insignificant...
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