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Old 03-01-2011, 07:07 PM
7luminaries 7luminaries is offline
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Originally Posted by Kapitan_Prien
I like my Ego. You don't have to, but I like myself.

From 'New Age Love and Light Fallacies'

8. The slippery slope of conquering the ego turning into erasing all individuality Facing the ego and the shadow side of the human psyche/spirit is a biggie within many spiritual circles. Overcoming self importance and hypersensitivity, becoming mindful of emotional reactions, and acknowledging one’s inner predator – all aspects of the ego – is useful and in my opinion, a total must-do if one is trying to improve themselves. But in a slippery slope worst case scenario, conquering one’s strong but distorted and disconnected self identity/ego can evolve into trying to erase one’s individuality altogether, and meld into some sort of unified nothingness. Trying to “be nothing.” I don’t agree with that. Quieting the mind -that’s good. Having inner peace – that’s good. Acknowledging and understanding negative ego-based traits and their origins so one can conquer them – that’s really good. Erasing who you are and being nothing – not good. If we were meant to be nothing then we wouldn’t be here, as something. !! So needless to say, I don’t agree with this concept.

A related concept is also found within certain meditation practices, whose goal is to go beyond the idea of merely quieting the mind to what seems to be a state of actually suppressing/losing yourself, and shutting off your mental processes altogether. This seems to me to be risky territory, allowing other “stuff” to get in and gain access while you’re suppressed and vulnerable in such ways. But that’s just my opinion. I’m not going to flat out state that such meditative practices were probably introduced and encouraged by negative stuff for insidious purposes, buuuuut, let’s just say that the thought has crossed my mind…..

From 10 Reasons I'm Not a Lightworker

8. I like my ego.
Popular spirituality and common lightworker parlance takes a page from the book of Eastern philosophy (and distorts it heavily in the process) by declaring war on the ego. Ignore it, repress it, deny it, kill it, get rid of that ego!

Sorry, but I’ve never done away with part of myself, and don’t intend to start.

I have written in depth about exactly what the ego is and why it’s a valuable part of our experience, as this is an important subject. For now I will say only that my objective is not to do away with my ego — it’s to do away with all the influences my ego has absorbed that aren’t aligned with my purpose and what I want to experience. In doing so my ego has become my own creation.

Kapitan, I haven't read your blog on ego, but I generally agree with your points as I understand them here. And I do pranic healing (when I've got my stuff together and am focused)...

I will say I think a lot of healers think much the same as you. Healing the baggage and so forth...keeping the best and elevating that...but never by denying the individual "soul" (or whatever we want to call it) and its sacred house, the physical body. Both the physical and the metaphysical are sacred to the healers I know. It's all about balance and acceptance, as you say.

We are what we are, as far as the nature of our existence goes, and that's as it should be.

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