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Old 10-10-2006, 03:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the welcoming, Blair2be! You too, Que Kakashi! Thanks for the suggestion... I have heard and know a few things about astral projection, but until now, I didn't know the proper title. Just the other night I did my first breathing exercise to get me used to the approach. I can only explain it as feeling as if I was merely a breathe. I felt as if I was just exsisting, no longer a body or any form. I think that since that was so easy for me to achieve... that astral projection may come with a little less frustration than most (or maybe I'm just hoping). I've read a bit about people having issues with it not working right for them; and a few people mentioning that it may be because their guides know they're not ready. I'm going to keep up on my reading and looking around others' experiences and then I'll attempt it when I feel the time is right. I feel such a strong presence of *something* all the time... but until I meet this *something*... I'm just going to go with my gut. Thanks again. Feed me more! Haha... been here for about 15 minutes and this is now my new home. =)

*edit* And hello to you Mother Goose... thank you kindly. :)