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Old 01-07-2014, 05:34 PM
TonySG TonySG is offline
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What determines a old soul vs young soul?

To my understanding there is so called 'old' souls and young souls. Old souls being the ones who have evolved more and are more likely to become enlightened on earth.

However, if all souls have been around forever and will continue to live forever. How does one become a old soul? Technically all souls are the same in terms of 'age' (I do realise time it is not easy to use time as a marker here).

I know most people will say that a old soul has had more incarnations and has learnt more over their lives whereas the young soul hasn't. But, if the young soul hasn't been on earth, what has it been doing? Watching tele? I mean what is there for a soul to do if it is not on earth??

Any insights would be much appreciated. Thanks
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