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Old 27-06-2014, 10:56 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by BlackCat
The friend encountered a few people sitting on the floor and he was told they’re practicing. He mocked them and proclaimed that he can beat them easily. One of them accepted the challenge and stood up to fight him. They stood one in front of each other and then the other man pushed his hand forward, he never touched him but the other guy flew backwards and he later said that he felt as if a truck hit him.

This is how I would like to learn to use energy. Anyone knows if this kind of martial art exists?
Any information will be helpful.

Thanks in advance

Yes it exists. Ive known 4 different people (from two completely different schools) who would be able to do that or Ive seen do it. One was a tai chi grandmaster (who teaches at various places around the world (he was traditionally trained) and has a school in my city and who gives demos at times. He also gave demos to people at a very low price at a mind/body/spirit expo (I paid for one).

My pranic healing grandmaster (he's deceased now thou) and his higher up teacher also can do this.

I'll share some of the demos Ive seen and I was fortunate enough to be used one time in a demo.

The tai chi grandmaster.. what he used me as a demo for was to show how energy can be used to defeat gravity some. He had me stand straight up with my legs together and then told me to relax and learn back (this was scary as he just kept on telling me to lean backwards more and more, while staying still straight). I was sure I would toople backwards but then felt like a cushion of energy behind me.

He didnt touch me at all.. I had energy alone holding me in a stance where I was so learned back that only my heals were touching the floor (probably almost a 45 degree angle back. whole body and legs straight).

Another time, this time at his school .. he gave us new students a demo in controlling people with energy. There was a hall and he dotted students (6-9 of them. I cant remember now) randomly around the hall, facing all kinds of ways, they were all blindfolded (they couldnt see). He then commanded them all to start walking so they did.

He then using energy alone (silently).. manovered people all over the place (he just stood in the one place and waved his hands when he had to stop or move someone) while they were walking, to stop them from crashing into one another. He would at times leave someone walking forward (not slowly!!) but then pull one up using energy at the last moment and suddenly quickly turn them (causing us to gasp as we were sure they were going to crash). I think he really enjoyed doing this lol (scarying us).

My other teachers student (from a yogi healing school) who was teaching.. gave us a demo is psychic defence using energy. He got one of my class mates to come up to the front of the room.. he then used energy (non touching him.. he was metres away) to weaken this other. It was very interesting to watch as the other student started firstly to sway a little on his feet but then started to stagger while trying not to fall down (he was very shocked, the expression on his face was priceless). He ended up on the floor in about 40 seconds. He was so dazed!

We also got an demo on how to paralyse someones arms. Another student was called up and his arm was weakened just by using energy.. till it was paralysed and couldnt be moved. (we did get told exactly how to do this but its not something Ive practiced at all and wouldnt share it as its stuff which could be abused so shouldnt be like public).

I actually dont think that this student (a Master himself) giving the classes was supposed to teach us this, as in the future classes he never gave demos like this again so I assume our grandmaster must of told him not to do so at the level we were at.

Another student who had been taught this. She got followed one day by a guy at night down a deserted road. She ended up throwing the guy with energy. (We never got a throwing person demo but any of these ones Im sure could of knocked a person flat).

Someone said in a post here that why hasnt this been publically shown? Well it has, Ive also seen it once on TV a demo of this stuff (but it wasnt done by any of my teachers).

Note.. stuff like this doesnt develop over night.. it takes YEARS of energy body development (and probably a very good teacher too). The people who do this are not at all inclined to show it off due to their spiritual development which is part of these practices and this stuff isnt taught to everyone. These Masters can tell what someone is like. To get into one of these classes I had to send my photo in and be approved by an aura scan.

Some of these people are telepathic too!! Ive experienced that.

So I suggest if you want to see a good demo of this stuff.. watch out for grandmaster level people in the various things and their higher students who also teach.

To do these things.. it isnt about physical body strength (thou it is probably better to have a healthy physical body), it is more about the strength of the will and the strength of someones energy and ability to use it.
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